Security Tags

Security tags are a type of tag that restrict access to documents on a document-by-document basis. When you apply a security tag to a document, only those users and groups that have been granted that tag will be able to see that document. With security tags, you can apply security specifically to documents, and that security stays with the document regardless of where it ends up in your folder structure. Additionally, tag security is absolute: either you have the tag and can access the tagged entry (assuming you also have all other necessary rights to the entry), or you do not have the tag and the entry is hidden to you.

For example, you might tag a specific set of documents with a "Classified" security tag and grant that tag to members of the Managers group. Members of that group would be able to see documents with the "Classified" tag, but other users would not. An added benefit of security tags is that they can be searched, like any other metadata. In the above example, if a manager wants to quickly locate classified documents, he or she can search for the tag. Furthermore, security tags stay with documents even if they are moved to the recycle bin. Trustees with the right to see all documents in the recycle bin cannot see documents assigned security tags unless they have been granted the relevant security tags.

Free Training: Supplemental Security in the Laserfiche Repository eLearning course in Aspire.

Creating, Applying, and Deleting Security Tags

Security tags can be created, applied, and deleted like any other tag. When creating a security tag, be sure to select the Security tag option. See Tags for more information.

Granting Security Tags to Users

  1. Open repository management by selecting the app picker and then selecting Repository Administration.
  2. On the left, under Trustees, select Users and select a user or group.
  3. In the General tab, under Security tags, add or remove security tags.
  4. Click Save to save your changes.

Viewing Effective Tags

Users can be granted tags themselves, and can inherit tags from group membership. You can view all the tags that a user has, both explicitly granted and inherited.

  1. Open repository management by selecting the app picker and then selecting Repository Administration.
  2. On the left, under Trustees, select Users and select a user or group.
  3. In the General tab, select the Effective Tags tab to view the effective tags for the user.