Migrating Repository Data From A Self-Hosted Laserfiche Repository Into Laserfiche Cloud

The Repository Export Client is a batch upload tool that processes and uploads data from a self-hosted Laserfiche repository to a Laserfiche Cloud repository as part of a multi-phase process:

  1. Pre-migration user listing preparation within Laserfiche Cloud: If you want to map existing Laserfiche users in the self-hosted repository to Laserfiche Cloud users, you must create matching Laserfiche Cloud user accounts prior to running the Repository Export Client. When running the Repository Export Client, there is a step that retrieves a list of users from your Laserfiche Cloud account that can be mapped to users in the self-hosted repository.
  2. Repository Export Client Processing and Upload: The Repository Export Client extracts and prepares repository data for upload. Extracted data is temporarily stored on disk in a local working directory before being uploaded to Laserfiche Cloud. The steps summarized later in this article focus primarily on this phase and the use of the Repository Export Client.
  3. Laserfiche Cloud Server-Side Processing: Laserfiche Cloud performs internal processing before making the uploaded data available in your Laserfiche Cloud repository. The migration process is complete and data will only be available within the Laserfiche Cloud repository after the server-side processing is complete.

Laserfiche Cloud repositories migrated with the Repository Export Client are copies of the source self-hosted repository and preserve object ID assignments, folder structures, electronic file data, field data, and most other repository data exactly as is, but note the limitations below in the Migration Constraints. The source repository is not modified by the Repository Export Client.

Warning: The import process overwrites the existing Laserfiche repository associated with the Laserfiche Cloud account with the contents of the self-hosted Laserfiche repository.

System requirements for the Repository Export Client

Supported source database engines

Note: The Repository Export Client does not support repositories hosted in Oracle Database.

Pre-migration Planning

Repository migrations can be a lengthy process. Careful review of the migration procedure and its limitations can save significant time. Consider the following when planning the migration:

To perform user and group account mappings, navigate to the Laserfiche Cloud Account Administration site and create user and group accounts to match the existing accounts in your self-hosted Laserfiche repository. This pre-migration step is necessary if you want to map existing user and group accounts to corresponding accounts in Laserfiche Cloud. During the configuration process, the Repository Export Client will allow you to manually associate user accounts in the repository with Laserfiche Cloud user accounts. If using single sign-on (SSO) with Laserfiche Cloud, users may need to sign in to Laserfiche Cloud first to have their user account automatically provisioned.

Monitoring Migrations

Solution providers can view the Repository Import Monitor site to view the status of migrations for their customers. Authorized Solution Providers may also be able to perform certain administrative functions like initiating an import, downloading the latest version of the Repository Export Client, or generating a registration code for the Repository Export Client.

Performing the Migration

Download and install the latest version of the Repository Export Client on the machine hosting the Laserfiche Server (LFS) service. Ensure that sufficient memory is available for the Repository Export Client to operate if the Laserfiche Server service will not be stopped during the migration.

  1. Start the Repository Export Client. By default, the utility executable is installed at C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Repository Export Client\RepositoryExportClient.exe.
  2. On the starting step, use the ClosedPlanning option to view general statistics about your Laserfiche repository. The utility will run a Laserfiche volume consistency check, identify any unsupported volumes or features and calculate the amount of data in your repository. Correct any reported errors that block the migration before continuing to the next step.

    Important: The repository size estimate is used to estimate how long the migration process may take to complete. It is not an exact value used to determine the actual storage usage in Laserfiche Cloud post migration. On Windows, 1 gigabyte (GB) is defined as 1,073,741,824 bytes. On Laserfiche Cloud, 1 gigabyte (GB) is defined as 1,000,000,000 bytes. The gigabyte number of storage size displayed on Cloud may be larger than your local storage size.

  3. Take a screenshot of the planning mode output screen and submit the screenshot along with any generated log files to Laserfiche Support for review. Laserfiche Support engineers will review your submission before approving the migration. Upon approval, solution providers will be able to initiate an import process on behalf of a client and generate a registration code through the Repository Import Monitor.
  4. Solution providers can generate a Closedregistration code for the Repository Export Client through the Repository Import Monitor. When signed in to a solution provider account, Select the Repository Import Monitor item from the app picker or from the Overview page. Locate and view the details for the desired account. On the General tab, in the "Next Action" section, use the Initiate Import option to initiate the migration and generate a registration code. The registration code is required for the utility to communicate with Laserfiche Cloud. The code remains active for 24 hours.
  5. Note: If the registration code expires, contact your solution provider or Laserfiche Support to receive a new registration code.

  6. ClosedOn the Source step, configure migration settings for the source repository. If the Enable image compression option is selected, the migration process will compress any uncompressed color images as a preemptive measure to conserve storage space. The compression algorithm is not lossless, but should only rarely have any human-perceptible differences from the uncompressed images. Check the Bypass repository consistency check option only if you have already run the repository consistency check previously and want to skip the step to save time.

    Note: When selecting the I have a backup file option, be sure that your backup file only contains ONE single full database backup.

    Note: When selecting the I have a backup file option, the backup file must be an uncompressed backup.

  7. ClosedOn the Target step, configure a target working directory, and choose the type of notifications to receive about the progress and status of the migration process. You can add up to 3 recipients to receive notifications. A test email will be sent to the recipient on email validation. Validate each email address before proceeding to the next step.

    Important: Please have at least 50% of the total repository size available for the local working directory and make sure the directory is empty before starting the migration.

  8. ClosedOn the Map Users step, map your self-hosted users to Laserfiche Cloud users. The Repository Export Client will display a list of available users in your existing repository and Laserfiche Cloud user accounts and try to automatically map them based on name. The mapping is strictly 1-to-1 for users and groups. Ensure that the appropriate self-hosted users are mapped so that your security settings and associated audit data details will be transferred when migrated to Cloud. Choose Do Not Map if you do not want to map the cloud user to any self-hosted user. Click Save to save the user mapping before proceeding to the next step.
  9. On the Review step, verify your settings before starting the migration process. Based on your connection speed and repository size, an estimated migration time will be provided to help you plan.
  10. On the Process Status step, monitor the export status. It is recommended that you only view the self-hosted repository in read-only mode during the export. Otherwise, you will need to manually take note of any changes to the repository and to manually upload those changes to the cloud after the migration. Once started, the process will overwrite any content you may already have in your Laserfiche Cloud repository. Once the data has finished uploading, a Laserfiche internal process will start to migrate the uploaded data into a Laserfiche Cloud repository. There may be additional processing time after the upload completes before your cloud repository is fully ready for use.

Note: The repository can become available for use during the latter stages of the migration. After the Repository Export Client completes the database upload step, the repository becomes available for use during the volume migration step. However, please be aware that the import process is still in progress and that select documents and repository functions may be limited until the migration is fully completed. Solution Providers can view the migration status from the Repository Import Monitor.

Migration Constraints

The migration tools and processes do not transfer information pertaining to certain self-hosted Laserfiche repository features that are either not applicable or not available to a Laserfiche Cloud repository. The presence of this information in the repository does not stop the migration but may affect what data is migrated and the security configuration of the migrated data. The following types of repository data are not currently migrated: