Viewing Process Irregularities

On the Reports page, the Irregularity report shows you which tasks from a process have been suspended or terminated, and the number of times this occurred. This report displays statistics for both user tasks and service tasks.

Selecting a Process and Date Range

You can view suspended tasks, terminated tasks, or both for individual processes over a selected date range.

  1. From the Reports page, click on Irregularities.
  2. In the left pane, select the process of interest under Process.
  3. Under Version, select the desired version to review, or select or All to retrieve data from all versions of the process. All is selected by default.
  4. Under Date range, select the date range that you want to view data for.
  5. Under Task status, check which types of irregularities you wish to see. Both suspended and terminated are selected by default.
  6. Click Apply at the bottom of the pane. If your selected process has instances with irregularities in that date range, you'll see a bar chart showing you the tasks and number of irregularities for each task that occurred.

Chart of Irregularity Data

If you've selected a process and date range and the process has instances with irregularities in that range, you'll see a bar chart showing tasks with counts of irregularities. By default, the chart displays the following information:

This information can be useful for troubleshooting where in a process an issue may be occurring.