Managing Custom Reports

From the main Custom Reports screen, you can create new reports, copy existing reports, see the list of existing reports, modify report properties, and delete reports.


Menu Pane (Left)

The left panel lets you choose whether the list displays current or deleted reports.

Center Pane

The center pane displays a list of the reports, and provides information about the reports. The immediately visible elements are the report name, the process the report is based on, and the style of the report (type). Additional items include creation and modification details.

Report Details Pane (Right)

The right pane will display detailed report information for a selected report. You can change the name and description of a selected report within this panel, and view information on the process, report type, and modification details as well.

Note: The process of a custom report cannot be changed once it's been created.

Creating a New Report

To create a new report, click the New button.

Searching for a Report

To search for a report by name, click the search bar, type part of the name of the report, and click the magnifying glass icon.

Selecting and Opening a Report

To select a report, click on the row for the report or click the check box next to the report name.

To open a report, click on the linked report name in the row, or select the report and click the edit icon at the top right corner of the table .

Copying a Report

To copy an existing report, select a report and click the copy icon at the top right corner of the table. The copied report will be named using "{report_name} - Copy." If the copied name exists, it will be "{report_name} - Copy (1)" and will increase the number as more copies are made.

Deleting a Report

To delete a report, select the report and click the delete icon at the top right corner of the table.