Ellucian Colleague Integration

Ellucian Colleague Integration through Ethos is available as an add-on in Laserfiche Process Automation for all accounts. The integration enables the following features:

Connecting Laserfiche to Ellucian Ethos

Note: Laserfiche connects directly to Ellucian Ethos instead of individual Ellucian applications. Ethos provides a layer of abstraction for the underlying business applications including Banner, Colleague, and many others. The integration pattern discussed in this chapter is not specific to the Colleague application and can be applied to any Ellucian applications as long as they have the capability of connecting through Ethos.

Create or Edit a Connection to the Ellucian Service

  1. Obtain an API Key for the Ellucian installation in use. Documentation is available through the Ellucian portal at this page. Refer to those instructions on how to obtain an API Key and configure access for Laserfiche.
  2. Create a new Application Connection on the Integrations panel, following the instructions here, and selecting Ellucian as the application type.

  3. On the Setup tab, select the Region, enter the Ellucian API Key, and click Verify.
  4. Click Save to save the connection.

To edit a connection, click on the name in the list of application connections to open the Setup tab for the connection.

Create a Web Request Rule using a Ellucian Ethos connection

Follow these instructions to create a web request rule. During the rule creation step, use the application connection created in the previous step.

Ellucian Ethos supports the GraphQL query language. To create a web request rule using a GraphQL query, please refer to [hyperlink to example using Ellucian GraphQL API in Web Request Rule]

You must have GraphQL support to run a GraphQL query. Please contact Ellucian to setup GraphQL and add the resource in DataLoader for you.

Example of using the Ellucian restful API in a Web Request Rule

The above example API request takes a personID as the input parameter and returns a person information response from Ellucian Ethos, assuming an existing Ellucian Ethos application connection has been configured and tested.

The response contains information about that person.

Example using Ellucian GraphQL API in Web Request Rule

Example content body:

"query": "query{ sectionRegistrations16(filter: { registranst12: { id: { EQ: \"abc422j6-f05d-48bf-9226-38ecdefa8dc4\" } } } ) { edges { node { id section16 { id code number credits { measure minimum } titles { value } course16 { id number titles { value } credits { measure minimum maximum increment } } status { category } } } } } }",
"variables": { },
"operationName": { }

In the example above, the Ellucian Ethos GraphQL URI path must end with “/graphql”, the Method must be “POST”, and the Content Type must be “application/json”.

The Content Body contains the actual GraghQL query, embedded in the “query” property. The “variables” and “operationName” properties may be empty.

Note: The query string must be properly escaped as shown in the above screen shot and sample, where a backslash “\” is added before any double quotes. The ID passed in the EQ parameter is for representation only.