Get Discipline List Action

A field marked with an asterisk "*" indicates the field is a required input for this action.

This action returns a list of objects of which each is an Discipline.

This action can be used as input for actions that require this type of information.

Input Fields

Field Description


The type of the Academic Discipline.

Options include "all", "minor", "major" and "concentration".

  • Selecting one of "minor", "major", or "concentration" will filter the results by the selected option.
  • Selecting "all" will return all the disciplines.

This input is optional.

  • If this input is not included then we will retrieve and display all the student academic program's academic disciplines regardless of type.
  • If this input is added and left blank, we will treat the input value as empty string. In this case, workflow will not pass input validation since empty string is not a valid option.
  • If this input is added and passed with an empty token, we will return third-party error.

Output Fields

This action may return multiple results.

Field Description

Academic Discipline ID (Value)

The Guid identifier of the academic discipline.

The value used by update actions (ideally used as the value for a drop down).


The full name of a academic discipline (for example, ''Mathematics'', and ideally used as the label for a drop down).


The abbreviated name of an academic level (for example, 'MATH').


The registration status for the academic period. The value can be “open” or “closed”.

Note: The results will be sorted alphabetically by the "Title" field (ascending order).