Search Student Academic Programs by Person ID Action

A field marked with an asterisk "*" indicates the field is a required input for this action.

This action can be used to update the personal information of a student.

Input Fields

Field Description

Person ID*

Is the Guid identifier of a person.

Can be retrieved using any of the Search Student... actions.

Curriculum Objective

The curriculum objective associated with the student's academic program.

Options include "all", "recruited", "applied", "matriculated", "outcome":

  • Selecting "all" will retrieve the student's Student Academic Programs with any curriculum objectives.
  • Selecting one of these ["recruited", "applied", "matriculated", "outcome"] will filter the results by the selected option.

This input is optional.

  • If this input is not included then we will retrieve and display the student's Student Academic Programs with any curriculum objectives.
  • If this input is added and left blank, we will treat the input value as empty string. In this case, workflow will not pass input validation since empty string is not a valid option.
  • If this input is added and passed with an empty token, we will return third party error since Ellucian does not allow curriculum objective to be empty.

The curriculum objective identifies the source of the student-academic-program being published. In Banner each recruit, application, general student, and outcome (degree record) has an associated student academic program. Banner has separate UI pages to update each. Recruited - SRARECR, Applied - SAAADMS, Matriculated - SGASTDN (or SFAREGS if student is registered in the effective term), Outcome - SHADEGR. Note that the student academic programs that students can see should have curriculum objective equals to "matriculated".

Enrollment Status

The current state of a student's academic program enrollment.

Options include "all", "active", "inactive", "complete":

  • Selecting "all" will retrieve the student's Student Academic Programs with any enrollment statuses.
  • Selecting one of these ["active", "inactive", "complete"] will filter the results by the selected option.

This input is optional.

  • If this input is not included then we will retrieve and display the student's Student Academic Programs with any enrollment statuses.
  • If this input is added and left blank, we will treat the input value as empty string. In this case, workflow will not pass input validation since empty string is not a valid option.
  • If this input is added and passed with an empty token, we will return third party error since Ellucian does not allow enrollment status to be empty.

If a user wishes to use the research results for add/drop academic discipline, he/she should set the input enrollment status to "active" for this search action since only active student academic programs are updateable.

Output Fields

This action may return multiple results.

Field Description

Student Academic Program ID

The Guid identifier for the student academic program

Enrollment Status

The current state of a student's academic program enrollment (for example, "active")

Curriculum Objective

The curriculum objective associated with the student's academic program (for example, "matriculated")

Note: The curriculum objective identifies the source of the student-academic-program being published. In Banner each recruit, application, general student, and outcome (degree record) has an associated student academic program. Banner has separate UI pages to update each. Recruited/SRARECR, Applied/SAAADMS, Matriculated/SGASTDN (or SFAREGS if student is registered in the effective term), Outcome/SHADEGR. If SGASTDN is being used as the UI to update an academic program are for a matriculated curriculum objective.


Requires an additional API call.

Contains sub-fields.

ClosedSee the sub-fields.

  • Site/Site ID: The Guid identifier for the site (campus) at which the student is enrolled in the program.
  • Site/Code: The code that identifies the site (campus) at which the student is enrolled in the program.
  • Site/Title: The full name of the site (campus) at which the student is enrolled in the program.


Requires an additional API call.

Contains sub-fields.

ClosedSee the sub-fields.

  • Credentials/Academic Credential ID: The Guid identifier for the academic credential under the student academic credential.
  • Credentials/Title: The full name of the academic credential under the student academic credential(for example, ‘Master of Fine Arts’).
  • Credentials/Description: The full description of the academic credential under the student academic credential.
  • Credentials/Type: The type of the academic credential under the student academic credential (for example, 'degree').
  • Credentials/Abbreviation: The abbreviation that identifies the academic credential under the student academic credential (for example, "MFA").

Start On

The date on which an academic program begins.

Represents the dates defined on STVTERM for the effective starting terms of the student program record and may not be updated.

End On

The date on which an academic program ends.

Represents the dates defined on STVTERM for the effective ending terms of the student program record and may not be updated.

Override Start On

The starting date of the program to be used for reporting.

Represents optional dates an admin user can enter on a student program record for more refined reporting.

Override End On

The ending date of the program to be used for reporting.

Represents optional dates an admin user can enter on a student program record for more refined reporting.

Expected Graduation Date

The date on which the student is expected to graduate from the academic program.


Requires an additional API call.

Contains sub-fields.

ClosedSee the sub-fields.

  • Academic Program ID: The Guid identifier for the academic program under the student academic program.
  • Code: The code that identifies the academic program under the student academic program (for example, "MATH-UG").
  • Title: The full name of the academic program under the student academic program (for example, "Mathematics, Advanced/Bachelor of Science")

Admission Category

Requires an additional API call.

Contains sub-fields.

ClosedSee the sub-fields.

  • Admission Population ID: The Guid identifier for the Admission Population under the student academic program.
  • Code: The code of the Admission Population under the student academic program (for example, "TRNS").
  • Title: The full name of the Admission Population under the student academic program (for example, "Transfer Student").

Academic Level

Requires an additional API call.

Contains sub-fields.

ClosedSee the sub-fields.

  • Academic Level ID: The Guid identifier for the academic level under the student academic credential.
  • Code: The code that identifies the academic level under the student academic credential (for example, ‘UG’).
  • Title: The full name of the academic level under the student academic credential (for example, ‘Undergraduate’).


The Academic Discipline is a collection. Each collection includes following fields.

Requires an additional API call.

Contains sub-fields.

ClosedSee the sub-fields.

  • Start On: The date on which the Academic Discipline begins for the student academic program. A Derived date based on the effective beginning terms of the SORLOS record and is not updatable.
  • End On: The date on which the Academic Discipline ends for the student academic program. A derived date based on the effective ending terms of the SORLOS record and is not updatable.
  • Override Start On: The date on which the Academic Discipline begins for the student academic program. May be used to provide a more refined detail of the dates the student was pursuing the discipline.
  • Override End On: The ending date of the Academic Discipline to be used for reporting. May be used to provide a more refined detail of the dates the student was pursuing the discipline.
  • Academic Discipline: Requires additional API call and includes sub-fields. (ClosedSee the Academic Discipline sub-fields).
    • Academic Discipline/Academic Discipline ID: The Guid identifier for the Academic Discipline under the student academic program.
    • Academic Discipline/Title: The full name of the Academic Discipline under the student academic program (for example, ‘Mathematics’).
    • Academic Discipline/Description: The full description of the Academic Discipline under the student academic program.
    • Academic Discipline/Type: The type of the Academic Discipline under the student academic program (for example, 'major').
    • Academic Discipline/Abbreviation: The abbreviation that identifies the Academic Discipline under the student academic program (for example, "MATH")
  • Discipline Status: Requires additional API call and includes sub-fields. (ClosedSee the Discipline Status sub-fields).
    • Discipline Status/Discipline Status ID: The Guid identifier for the Discipline Status.
    • Discipline Status/Title: The full name of the Discipline Status (for example, ‘Active Curriculum’).
    • Discipline Status/Description: The full description of the Discipline Status.
    • Discipline Status/Status: The type of the Academic Discipline (for example, 'active').
    • Discipline Status/Code: The code that identifies the Discipline Status (for example, "ACTIVE").