Getting Started with Laserfiche Bots

Laserfiche Bots, also known as Laserfiche Workflow Bots, use robotic process automation technology to let you easily configure software bots to automate repetitive, routine work between multiple systems. These bots work directly across application user interfaces, mimicking the actions a person would perform, including signing in and out of applications, copying and pasting data, and filling out forms. By automating these time-consuming, uninteresting tasks, users have more time to focus on more important matters.

Identify a process to automate

Robotic Process Automation technology is particularly applicable to processes that are:

These can be related to core business processes like accounts payable, onboarding, or payroll. Or they may be individual tasks like updating your calendar with company events or copying information from one application to another.

Overview video

Which automation tool is right for the job?

Laserfiche has a variety of automation tools to choose from.

Building and running a bot

Laserfiche has four components that work together to let you create, edit, and run your bots.

Best practices for designing a bot

Before building your bot, ensure you have a solid of understanding of the following:

Follow these steps when creating a bot:

  1. Setup: Open all the applications and web pages you want the bot to interact with and think through the actions the bot will take.
  2. Record: Open the bot recorder and record the actions you want the bot to take.
  3. Identify: Add activities to the top of the designer that set up the environment the bot will work in. Use the Launch application activity to open applications and web pages the bot will interact with. Use the Find application activity to locate applications that will already be running on the machine.

      Note: When interacting with Google Chrome, launch web pages instead of finding them as bots run best in newly opened Chrome browser windows.

    1. If a signin is required to access a web page, ensure you record the bot completing the signin process. You can secure signin information with the lock option in the bot designer.
    2. After launching or finding all the applications the bot will interact with, ensure the bot can identify the web page or window it will run on. Use the window title, web page, and program fields in the Launch application and Find application activities to identify pages and windows.
  4. Organize: Make use of the Group activity to organize your bot into logical sections and the Description option to leave yourselves notes about each portion of the bot. This will streamline your working environment and make the bot easier to maintain.
  5. Test: Test your bot from the bot design page to ensure it's working as expected. Troubleshoot any problems.
  6. Cleanup: If necessary, have the bot clean up after itself by closing the applications and windows it opened while running. The Keyboard Shortcut activity lets you close applications with hot keys.
  7. Adapt: Adapt your bot to account for different scenarios. For example, you may need to add a Wait activity to pause the bot while an application is opening or turn the Continue on Error option on for actions that can be skipped.
  8. Enrich: Use tokens, if conditions, and for each actions to expand your bot and make it more flexible.