Getting Started with Decision Tables

Decision tables visually represent conditional rules that determine one or more outputs for a set of inputs. They eliminate long conditional rules, separate logic from individual workflows, and help you spot gaps in your logic.

A decision table contains rules, which in turn contain input and output fields. When an entered value matches a input value in a field, the decision table returns the corresponding output. The hit policy defines how many and which of the potential values to actually return, covering cases when an input satisfies multiple rules.

Example: You want to define a rule that gives a 10% discount if an item is under $75 and a 20% discount if an item is $75 and up. This can also be expressed as: If Item Price < 75 then Discount = 0.10. If Item Price >= 75 then Discount = 0.20. Using a decision table, you can define this as:

Decision table depicting rule in example

Next steps

  1. Set up the input and output fields.
  2. Select a hit policy.
  3. Use the rule in a workflow.or a business process