Formulas for Token Calculator

The Token Calculator activity contains the following formulas. Browse the formulas by their categories using the right-hand menu.







Name Format Description
Absolute ABS(number) Returns the absolute value of number.
Addition number1 + number2; date + number; number + date Adds two numbers or a number and a date.
Average AVG(number1, number2, ...) Averages the input list, ignoring nonnumerical items.
AverageAnyway AVERAGEA(value1, value2, ...) Averages the input list, treating boolean TRUE as 1 and other nonnumerical items as 0.
Average If AVERAGEIF([value1, value2, ...], condition) Averages the items that satisfy the condition.
Ceiling CEILING(number) Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the input number.
Choose CHOOSE(index, value1, value2, ...) Chooses the item at the given index in the list.
ChooseAnyway CHOOSEA(index, value1, value2, ...)

Expands array items as part of the list and chooses the item at the given index in the list. Multi-value tokens are treated as arrays.

Example: CHOOSEA(5, 1, 3, [5, 6, 7]) returns 7.

CountAny COUNTA(value1, value2, ...) Counts items in the input list, including items in arrays and multi-value tokens.
Count If COUNTIF([value1, value2, ...], condition) Counts the number of items that satisfy condition.
Count Number COUNT(item1, item2, ...)

Counts numerical items in the input list.

Example: COUNT(2, "sit", "stand", 9) returns 2.

Count Unique COUNTUNIQUE([value1, value2, ...]) Counts the distinct items in the input list.
Division number1 / number2 Divides number1 by number2.
Even EVEN(number) Returns the closest even number to the input number.
Epoch EPOCH(n) Returns the datetime that is n seconds after the Unix epoch time.
Exponent EXP(p) Returns ep.
Floor FLOOR(number) Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the input number.
Integer Division number1 // number2 Divides the two numbers, dropping the fractional part.
Large LARGE([number1, number2, ...], n) Returns the nth largest item in the list of numbers.
Logarithm LOG(number, base) The power to which base must be raised to produce number.
Logarithm (base 10) LOG10(number) Logarithm with base 10.
LogarithmE LN(number) Logarithm with base e.
Maximum MAX(number1, number2, ...) Returns the maximum number in the list, ignoring nonnumerical items.
MaximumAnyway MAXA(value1, value2, ...) Returns the maximum number in the list, treating boolean TRUE as 1 and any other nonnumerical items as 0.
Median MEDIAN(number1, number2, ...) Returns the median value of the input list.
Minimum MIN(number1, number2, ...) Returns the smallest number in the input list, ignoring nonnumerical items.
MinimumAnyway MINA(value1, value2, ...) Returns the smallest number in the input list, treating boolean TRUE as 1 and any other nonnumerical items as 0.
Minus -number Inverts the sign of the input number.
Mode MODE(number1, number2, ...) Returns the most common item in the input list.
Mod number1 # number2 Returns the remainder of number1 divided by number2.
Multiplication number1 * number2 Multiplies two numbers.
Odd ODD(number) Returns the closest odd number to the input number.
Pi PI() Mathematical constant: The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
Power x ^ y Returns x raised to the yth power.
Product PRODUCT(number1, number2, ...) Returns the product of numbers in the list.
Quotient QUOTIENT(number1, number2) Divides two numbers, dropping the fractional part.


ROUND(x; n)

If only one argument is provided, rounds x to the nearest integer. If both x and n are provided, rounds x to n decimal places.
Round Down



Rounds x down to the nearest integer if only one argument is provided. If both x and n are specified, rounds x down to the specified number of decimal places.
Round Mult MROUND(number, multiple) Rounds number to the nearest multiple of multiple. If there are two nearest multiples, MROUND rounds up.
Round Up



Rounds x up to the nearest integer if only one argument is provided. If both x and n are specified, rounds x up to the specified number of decimal places.
Sign SIGN(number) Returns a number indicating the sign of the input number. For negative inputs, it returns -1; for zero-value inputs, 0; for positive inputs, 1.
Square Root SQRT(number) Returns the square root of the input number.
Subtraction number1 - number2 Subtracts number2 from number1.
Sum If SUMIF([number1, number2, ...], condition) Sums the items that satisfy the provided condition.
Summation SUM(number1, number2, ...) Sums a list, ignoring nonnumerical items.
Truncate TRUNC(number, n)

Truncates number to have only n decimal places. Unlike ROUNDDOWN and ROUNDUP, no rounding is carried out. For example, TRUNC(123.456, 2) returns 123.4.

If n is negative, truncation occurs to the left of the decimal point. For example, TRUNC(123, -1) returns 120.


Name Format Description
And boolean1 && boolean2 Boolean "AND" operation on the input list. Use AND( , ) syntax for lists or multi-value tokens.
Equal value1 = value2 Returns TRUE if value1 and value2 are equal, otherwise returns FALSE.
Greater Than value1 > value2 Returns TRUE if value1 is greater than value2, otherwise returns FALSE.
Greater Than Or Equal value1 >= value2 Returns TRUE if value1 is greater than or equal to value2, otherwise returns FALSE.
If IF(condition, true_case, false_case) If condition is true, returns true_case. Otherwise, false_case is returned.
Is Email ISEMAIL(value) Checks if the input item is a valid email string.
Is Even ISEVEN(number) Checks if the input item is an even number.
Is Not Text ISNONTEXT(value) Checks if the input item is not a string.
Is Number ISNUMBER(value) Checks if the input item is a number.
Is Odd ISODD(number) Checks if the input item is an odd number.
Less Than value1 < value2 Returns TRUE if value1 is less than value2, otherwise returns FALSE.
Less Than Or Equal value1 <= value2 Returns TRUE if value1 is less than or equal to value2, otherwise returns FALSE.
Not !value1 Logical NOT; treats 0 as FALSE, other values as TRUE.
Not Equal value1 <> value2 Returns TRUE if value1 and value2 are not equal, otherwise returns FALSE.
Or boolean1 || boolean2 Boolean "OR" operation on the input list. Use [OR( , )] syntax for lists or multi-value tokens.


Note: The correct syntax for a date argument is "Date(year, month, day)." For example, if you want to enter April 15, 2017 in the workday formula, do not write "WORKDAY(4/15/2017, 4)." Instead, write "WORKDAY(DATE(2017, 4, 15), 4)" or, if you are using a date token, "WORKDAY(%(date), 4)."

Name Format Description
Add Month ADD_MONTHS(date, number) Returns the date that is number months after date. Supports fractional month numbers.
Date Date(year, month, day) Constructs a date value from the arguments.
Date Diff DATEDIF(date1, date2, string) Returns the difference between date1 and date2. string specifies the unit: "Y"/"y" for years, "M"/"m" for months, "D"/"d" for days.
Date Value DATEVALUE(string) Constructs a date from the input string.
Day DAY(date) Returns the day of the input date.
Days 360 DAYS360(date1, date2) Returns the number of days between date1 and date2, assuming that a year is 360 days.
Epoch EPOCH(n) Returns the datetime that is n seconds after the Unix epoch time.
Hour HOUR(date) Returns the hour of the input datetime.
Minute MINUTE(date) Returns the minute of the input datetime.
Month MONTH(date) Returns the month of the input datetime.
Now NOW() Returns the current date and time.
Round Date EDATE(date, number) Returns a date that is date plus number months.
Round Month EOMONTH(date, number) Adds number months to date, then rounds the result to the last day of the month.
Second SECOND(datetime) Returns the second of the input datetime.
Time TIME(hours, minutes, seconds) Returns the input time as a fraction of the day.
Time Value TIMEVALUE(string) Returns the input time as a fraction of the day. Inputs can be in the form HH:MM, HH:MM:SS, or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
Today TODAY() Returns the current date.
Week Number WEEKNUM(date) Returns the week of the year that the input date falls in.
Work Date WORKDAY(date, number) Returns a date that is date plus number work days.
Work Days NETWORKDAYS(date1, date2) Returns the number of work days between date1 and date2.
Year YEAR(date) Returns the year of date.
Year Fraction

YEARFRAC(date1, date2)

YEARFRAC(date1, date2, basis)

Calculates the difference between date1 and date2 in years, including fractions of years. Returns a positive value regardless of whether date1 or date2 is the later date.

If date1 and date2 are the only arguments provided, the calculation assumes the US (NASD) 30/360 day count convention. Otherwise, year fractions are calculated depending on the value of basis as follows:

  • basis=0: US (NASD) 30/360 day count convention
  • basis=1: Actual/Actual day count convention
  • basis=2: Actual/360 day count convention
  • basis=3: Actual/365 day count convention
  • basis=4: European 30/360 day count convention


Name Format Description
Char To Code CODE(char) Returns the ASCII code of the input character.
Code To Char CHAR(number) Converts the input ASCII code to a string.
Concatenate string1 & string2 Concatenates the input strings.
Dollar DOLLAR(number)

Returns the input number as a string representing a dollar amount.

  • Prepends a dollar sign to the start of the string.
  • Removes any negative sign from the number.
  • If the number has more than two decimal places, rounds the number to two decimal places.
Exact EXACT(value1, value2) Determines whether the two inputs are identical strings.
Find FIND(key, string) Searches for key in the input string in a case-sensitive manner. Returns the first matched position or -1 if not found.
Fixed FIXED(number) Rounds the number to a specified number of decimal places and formats the result as text.
Join JOIN(string_separator, [string1, string2, ...]) Joins the items of the string array with string_separator between them.
Left LEFT(string, n) Returns the n leftmost characters in the input string.
Lower LOWER(string) Returns a lowercase version of the string.
Mid MID(string, n, length) Returns length characters from string, starting at the nth character.
Number Value


NUMBERVALUE(string, decimal_separator, group_separator)

Parses the input string as a number. You can specify optional decimal point and group separators. If no separators are specified, Workflow assumes that you use periods for decimal points and commas to separate thousands.

Percentages are also converted. For example, NUMBERVALUE("35%") returns 0.35.

Proper Text PROPER(string) Returns the input string with the first letter of each word converted to uppercase and the remaining letters converted to lowercase.
Repeat REPT(string, number) Returns the string repeated number times.
Replace REPLACE(input_string, n, length, new_string) Replaces part of input_string, starting from its nth character and going for length characters, with new_string.
Right RIGHT(string, n) Returns the n rightmost characters in the input string.
Roman ROMAN(number) Returns a Roman numeral string representing the input number.
Search SEARCH(key, string) Searches for key in the input string, returning the first matched position or -1 if not found.
Split SPLIT(string, delimiter) Splits the input string at each instance of the delimiter into an array.
String Length LEN(string) Returns the length of the input string.
Substitute SUBSTITUTE(input_string, old_string, new_string)

Substitutes new_string for old_string in the input string.

Text TEXT(value) Returns a string version of the input value.
Trim TRIM(string) Removes leading and trailing spaces, and replaces all internal multiple spaces with a single space in the input string.
Upper UPPER(string) Returns an uppercase version of string.
Value VALUE(string) Converts the input string into a number.

Substituting Double Quotes

Because double quotes are special characters, using them in string functions necessitates some workarounds. As a rule of thumb, you can use CHAR(34) instead of a double quote when you want to carry out a string operation on a double quote. For example, to remove all double quotes from a string, you can enter SUBSTITUTE(input_string, CHAR(34), ""). This replaces all double quotes in input_string with the empty string, effectively removing them.