Assign People or Groups to Application in Okta

There are two ways to assign individual apps.

Applications page

  1. From the Applications page, search or scroll down to the application you want to assign to one or more people or groups.
  2. Click the Action button drop-down menu.
  3. Choose Assign to Users or Assign to Groups.

Specific app

  1. From the Applications page, search or scroll down to the app you want to assign to one or more people or groups.
  2. Click the individual app to view its page.
  3. On the app specific page, click the Assign button.
  4. Choose either Assign to People or Assign to Groups. An Assign <app name> to People /Assign <app name> to Groups dialog appears listing available end users or groups who are not already assigned to the selected app.
  5. Click the Assign button next to each user or group for which you want this app assigned. For users, complete the Attributes page.
  6. Assign more users or groups, or click Done.

Assign applications for people and groups:

  1. From the Applications page, click Assign Applications. The Assign Applications page appears. On the left of this screen is a list of available Applications. On the right of the screen, there is a list of People in your org.
  2. From the list of available Applications, select the application(s) that you want to assign to users. Selecting the check-box at the top of the list selects all listed applications.
  3. From the list of People in your org, select the users to whom you want to assign the selected application(s). Selecting the check-box at the top of the list assigns the applications to all users.

    To assign to group(s):
    1. Select Search by group in the drop-down menu next to the People search field.
    2. Enter the name of the group, then select the users.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Review the summary page and complete any additional information requested on the page.
  6. Click Confirm Assignments.

Note: To learn more about Applications, see Okta's documentation page.