Deleting Documents and Folders

You can delete documents, folders, and pages within documents. When any of these are deleted, they will be sent to the recycle bin. There, they can be restored, or permanently deleted. Users can restore and permanently delete their own deleted items, and administrators with the Manage Entry Access privilege can restore or permanently delete other users' deleted items as well.

To delete a document or folder, select it in the Folder Browser and click the Delete button, or press the DELETE key. To delete a page, open the document in the folder browser, select the thumbnail corresponding to the page, and press the DELETE key.

Depending on your repository's settings, you may be prompted to provide a reason when deleting documents. If this is the case, you will be provided with a list of possible reasons. Select the reason most relevant to your deletion. Optionally, you can also provide a comment that will be saved to the audit log along with the selected reason.

You can view the current contents of the recycle bin by clicking Recycle Bin in the lower left corner of the Folder Browser. From here, you can select an individual document and click the Restore button to restore it, the Purge button to permanently delete it, or the Purge All button to permanently delete everything in the recycle bin.

Documents and folders will be restored to the location they were deleted from, and pages will be restored to the document they were deleted from. If a document is deleted and then its parent folder is deleted and purged, it can still be restored; when it is restored, its folder will be re-created, although any other previous contents of the folder will remain deleted. If a page is deleted and then its parent document is deleted and purged, however, the page will be purged along with its parent document.

Note: By default, Laserfiche will automatically clear out items in the recycle bin that are older than 7 days. Administrators can configure this age limit and perform additional actions on deleted documents. See Monitoring Repository Activity for more information.