Laser App Enterprise Tokens
You can use Laser App Enterprise tokens to dynamically populate Laserfiche fields or construct a dynamic document name or folder location for Laser App forms stored in Laserfiche. For instruction on configuring these properties, see Configuring and Using the Laser App Enterprise Integration.
The following tables list supported Laser App Enterprise tokens.
ContactRecord Tokens
ContactRecord tokens represent client information from Laser App's Contact Data Data View.
Token | Type | Description |
%(ContactRecord.CLIENT_ID) | String | Unique identifier for the client's contact record. |
%(ContactRecord.ClientFirstName) | String | Client first name. |
%(ContactRecord.ClientLastName) | String | Client last name. |
%(ContactRecord.ClientMI) | String | Client middle initial. |
%(ContactRecord.CompanyName) | String | Company name. |
%(ContactRecord.SpouseFirstName) | String | Spouse first name. |
%(ContactRecord.SpouseLastName) | String | Spouse last name. |
%(ContactRecord.SpouseMI) | String | Spouse middle initial. |
%(ContactRecord.TrustPlanName) | String | Trust plan name. |
ControlData Tokens
ControlData tokens represent information about the Save to Laserfiche trusted application in Laser App.
Token | Type | Description |
%(ControlData.ConfirmCode) | String | OK |
%(ControlData.DataPersistence) | String | |
%(ControlData.DPostFormat) | Integer | |
%(ControlData.DPostURL) | String | |
%(ControlData.HelpURLDesc) | String | |
%(ControlData.HostDesc) | String | Import Laser App forms to Laserfiche |
%(ControlData.HostName) | String | Save to Laserfiche |
%(ControlData.OnlineHelpUrl) | String | |
%(ControlData.PostURL) | String | http://MyWebServer/LaserAppReceiver/ReceivePDF |
%(ControlData.session) | String | |
%(ControlData.User1) | String | User first name and last name. |
%(ControlData.User2) | String | |
%(ControlData.User3) | String | |
%(ControlData.User4) | String | |
%(ControlData.User5) | String | |
%(ControlData.XSLUrl) | String | |
%(ControlData.XTSAURL) | String | |
%(ControlData.XTSAURLPSS) | String | |
%(ControlData.XTSAURLUSR) | String | |
%(ControlData.XTSAURLXRS) | String |
Forms Tokens
Forms tokens represent Laser App data about the form saved to Laserfiche. Details can be found in the Form Detail Information in Laser App. The 0 in each token name represents the index of each form when you save multiple forms to Laserfiche at once. Replace the integer with All to get data for all forms as a comma-separated list of the value for all forms in the bundle.
Token | Type | Description |
%( | String | Form detail information: Company |
%( | DateTime | Date the form was sent |
%(Forms.0.dsep) | Integer | Separator character |
%(Forms.0.file) | String | Form detail information: Internal id |
%(Forms.0.fnum) | String | Form detail information: Form Number |
%(Forms.0.formnumber) | String | Form detail information: Form Number |
%(Forms.0.ftype) | String | Form detail information: Form Type |
%(Forms.0.ladesc) | String | Laser App program type |
%(Forms.0.laver) | String | Laser App version number |
%(Forms.0.locked) | Boolean | Whether the form is locked |
%(Forms.0.majv) | String | Form detail information: Internal Ver. |
%(Forms.0.minv) | String | Form detail information: Internal Ver. |
%( | String | Form detail information: Form Name |
%(Forms.0.pgs) | String | Number of pages in the form |
%(Forms.0.regtype) | String | Registration type |
%(Forms.0.revdate) | String | Form detail information: Revised Data |
%(Forms.0.sdformat) | String | date format |
%(Forms.0.signable) | Boolean | Whether the form is signable |
%(Forms.0.subcat1) | String | Form sub-category 1 |
%(Forms.0.subcat2) | String | Form sub-category 2 |
%(Forms.0.time ) | String | Time |
BrokerData Tokens
BrokerData tokens represent information from Laser App's Broker Data Data View.
Token | Type | Description |
%(BrokerData.brk_Address) | String | Broker/Dealer Information: Address |
%(BrokerData.brk_Branch) | String | Broker/Dealer Information: Branch # |
%(BrokerData.brk_Broker_No) | String | Broker/Dealer Information: Broker # |
%(BrokerData.brk_City) | String | Broker/Dealer Information: City |
%(BrokerData.brk_Code) | String | |
%(BrokerData.brk_Email) | String | Broker/Dealer Information: Email |
%(BrokerData.brk_Fax) | String | Broker/Dealer Information: Fax |
%(BrokerData.brk_Firm_No) | String | Broker/Dealer Information: Firm # |
%(BrokerData.brk_Name) | String | Broker/Dealer Information: B/D Name |
%(BrokerData.brk_OSJ) | String | Broker/Dealer Information: OSJ Name |
%(BrokerData.brk_Phext) | String | Broker/Dealer Information: Phone Ext. |
%(BrokerData.brk_Phone) | String | Broker/Dealer Information: Telephone |
%(BrokerData.brk_RIA) | String | Broker/Dealer Information: RIA Name |
%(BrokerData.brk_State) | String | Broker/Dealer Information: State |
%(BrokerData.brk_Suite) | String | Broker/Dealer Information: Ste./PO Box |
%(BrokerData.brk_Zip) | String | Broker/Dealer Information: Zip code |
UserCustomData Tokens
The integration supports retrieving the values from any custom fields that you specified when downloading the Laser App configuration file (TrustedApp.~ls) from the Laser App configuration file download page. For instance, if you configured the Laser App integration to request a "Full Name" field to create a "FullName" token, the resulting token would be %(UserCustomData.FullName).
Token | Type | Description |
%(UserCustomData.YourCustomFieldName) | String | Correspondes to the name of a custom field in the .~ls file. |