Viewing Form Submission Data

On the Reports page, the Form Reports section lets you view individual submitted forms and aggregated data from submitted forms. The aggregated data can be viewed as tables, pie charts, and bar charts.

Selecting a Form

In order to view data from submitted forms, you must select the following options in the Settings pane:

  • The process that the form is in.
  • The version of the process that the form is in, or select or All to retrieve data from all versions of the process. All is selected by default.
  • The specific form within the process.
  • The date range of the submissions you want to see.

After selecting these criteria in the Settings pane, click Apply.

Viewing Individual Form Submissions

Once you've selected your criteria in the Settings pane and clicked Apply, you can view the results in the main pane. To view individual submitted forms, make sure that you have Submissions selected as the view in the main pane. You can then scroll through views of the submitted forms by clicking in the left or right arrows.

Each submitted form view includes the following information:

  • The submitter's username
  • The time and date of submission
  • A view of the submitted form, so you can see all the fields and field values.

Viewing Aggregated Submission Data

To view the aggregate statistics of the submitted forms, click Reports in the main pane. This will bring up a view of each field in the form and statistics about the values that were submitted for each field.

For each form field, you can view data about submitted values in the following formats:

  • Table
  • Pie chart
  • Bar chart
  • Line chart

Click the icon corresponding to each format to view the data in that format. For pie charts and bar charts, you can click Download as JPEG to save an image file of the chart.

For long forms, you can expand and collapse the sections corresponding to specific fields to save screen space.

  • Click Expand all at the top of the page to expand all field sections.
  • Click Collapse all at the top of the page to collapse all field sections.
  • To expand or collapse just one section, click on the Expand or Collapse icon next to the field name.

Downloading Forms

Form results and submissions can be downloaded using the Download button in the upper right of the page. Click Download and choose from the following options:

  • File Type: Choose between CSV or XLSX.
  • Download Method: Choose Download Immediately to save the data to your local computer, or Email as a link to email the data.
  • Download Options: Select options to include details about choices and/or include deleted fields in the download.
  • The date range of the submissions you want to see.

After selecting your options, click Download.