User Task Variables

Variables store information from forms and business processes, which can be later used to determine what happens in a process. User task variables are variables that store information related to user tasks. A user task variable typically contains the task's step ID and may contain the task's name.

Format of Variables

The formats of user task variables are as follows. You should place the number 7 with the step ID of the user task, and replace User Task with the name of the user task.

The last action taken on a user task

This action is the name of the action button clicked at the bottom of the form.

  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7]/_action}
  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7 and @_step_name="User Task"]/_action}

The last comment made on a user task

  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7]/_comment}
  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7 and @_step_name="User Task"]/_comment}

The last time a user completed the user task

  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7]/_submission_time}
  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7 and @_step_name="User Task"]/_submission_time}

The last user who completed the user task

Email address

  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7]/_submitter_email}
  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7 and @_step_name="User Task"]/_submitter_email}

Display name

  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7]/_submitter_displayname}
  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7 and @_step_name="User Task"]/_submitter_displayname}


  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7]/_submitter}
  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7 and @_step_name="User Task"]/_submitter}

The submission ID from the last time the use task was completed

  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7]/_submission_id}
  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7 and @_step_name="User Task"]/_submission_id}

The IP address of the last user who submitted a form for the user task

  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7]/_submission_ip_address}
  • {/dataset/_step[@_step_id=7 and @_step_name="User Task"]/_submission_ip_address}

Note: Where there is more than one version of a variable, both return the same result. You may want to use the version that contains the task's name to make it easier to remember which task the variable pertains to.

Finding a User Task's Step ID

Finding a user task's setp ID.

You can find out what a task's ID is by clicking View Step ID in the General tab of a task's properties pane.