Importing and Exporting Capture Profiles

You can export a capture profile, capture profile group, or smart invoice profile from one system and import it into another. For example, you can export a profile from a test environment and import it into a production environment, instead of creating capture profiles from scratch.

To export a capture profile, capture profile group, or smart invoice profile

  1. On the Capture Profiles, Capture Profiles Group, or Smart Invoice Profiles page, search for and select the check box next to the profile.
  2. Click the ClosedExport button in the toolbar.


  3. Give the profile or group a name, then click Export. The profile or group and its sample documents will be exported as a Capture Profiles Import file (.cpi).
  4. Save the file on your local machine or network.

To import a capture profile, smart invoice profile, or capture profile group

  1. On the Capture Profiles, Capture Profiles Group, or Smart Invoice Profiles page, click the ClosedImport button at the top of the page.

    Import Button

  2. In the ClosedImport dialog box, click Choose File.

    Import Capture Profiles

  3. Navigate to the Capture Profiles Import file (.cpi) on your local machine or network and click Open.
  4. The profile will be added in the Import Capture Profiles dialog box. Click Finish.
  5. You will see the imported capture profile in the Capture Profiles list after you refresh the page. When imported for the first time, the name of the profile will have _(1) appended to it. The second time it's imported, it will have _(2) appended to it, and so on.