Troubleshooting Bots

Below is a list of some common errors and how to fix them.

The bot has been configured to run in administrator mode, but the Laserfiche bot local tool is running as a standard user.

Elevate the Laserfiche bot local tool to run as an administrator.

  1. Navigate to the bot designer in Process Automation.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Under Privileges, ensure Run bot as administrator is selected.
  4. Clear Run bot as administrator. Then, run the bot again.
    • If there is no error, leave the option cleared.
    • If there is an "Access denied" related error, continue to the next step.
  5. Close the Laserfiche Bots local tool on the workstation.
  6. Restart the local tool from the Windows Start menu by right-clicking the application and selecting Run as Administrator.

Bot instance terminated with the reason: the work item was canceled because there is no agent queue that has the required capability

  1. Navigate to the Manage tab in Laserfiche Bots.
  2. Select the bot that produced the error.
  3. Select the Run Settings tab in the right pane, and check the required capabilities for the bot.
  4. Navigate to Integrations in Process Automation, and then to Remote Agents.
  5. Open the Dedicated Bot Remote Agent.
  6. Select the Queues tab in the right pane, and check the capabilities in all queues.
  7. Ensure the required capabilities of the bot is subset of the capabilities of at least one queue of the Dedicated Bot Remote Agent.

Bot instances stuck in a queue but not running

  1. Navigate to Integrations, and then Remote Agents in Process Automation.
  2. Select Dedicated Bot Remote Agent.
  3. In the Queues tab to the right, check that there are workers assigned to the queue. If not, open the Dedicated Bot Remote Agent, and install workers based on instructions on the Workers tab. Then, on the Queues tab, select those workers under Worker assigned to queue. Click Save.
  4. On the machine where the worker is installed, ensure the LFPAAgent service for the worker is running.
  5. Ensure the Laserfiche Bots local tool (i.e., the Action History) is running on the same machine. Learn more.
  6. If all the bot instances are still in the queue, go to the machine where the worker is installed. Uninstall the worker, and then reinstall it.
  7. Ensure the worker is assigned to the queue, following the instructions in step 3.