Data Types

The data type defines the type of value that cells in a field can contain. All values in the field must match the data type.

You can select from the following data types:

  • Text: A sequence of characters. Can be used with the Not operator, but not other operators. ClosedSee formatting details

    Click in the cell to select or clear the option to include a Not operator.

    screenshot of decision table with text inputs and not operator

  • Advanced String: A more complicated version of the Text data type that allows for more complex expressions using list operators and Boolean operators. ClosedSee formatting details

    Place double-quotation marks to separate text components of an expression from operators or other text components. In the following example, all the text components are enclosed in quote marks.

    screenshot of advanced string values and expressions in input

  • Boolean:  An either-or relationship. ClosedSee formatting details

    Enter "true" or "false". This data type is case insensitive and has an unchangeable predefined list.

    screenshot of decision table with boolean inputs and outputs

  • Number: A positive or negative integer or decimal value. ClosedSee formatting details

    Enter a number without commas. For example, enter "1000", not "1,000". You can also apply operators to create more complex expressions.

  • Date: A complete date (day, month, and year). ClosedSee formatting details
  • Time: A single value representing a point in time. This data type can only be used for an input field. ClosedSee formatting details

    Format: "Hour: #", where "#" can be replaced by either of the following:

    • An hour in a day on a 24-hour clock using a number from 0 to 23.
    • A part of the day using "AM" and "PM".
  • Advanced Date: A single value with a specifier representing a unit in time. This data type can only be used for an input field. ClosedSee formatting details

    Add one of the following specifiers and replace "#" with a number. In the WeekDays specifier, enter a Boolean value ("true" or "false"). You can also apply operators to create more complex expressions.