Selecting the Data Type

The data type defines the type of value that replaces the input and output parameters in your formula.

You can select from the following data types:

  • Text: A sequence of characters without double-quotes. ClosedSee formatting details
  • Integer:  A large positive or negative number without a decimal between -2^31 and (2^31) - 1. ClosedSee formatting details
  • Long: An even larger positive or negative number without a decimal between -2^63 and (2^63) - 1. ClosedSee formatting details
  • Decimal: A positive or negative number that can contain a decimal. ClosedSee formatting details
  • DateType: A date value (with or without a time value). ClosedSee formatting details

    DateTypes may be formatted as follows:

  • Boolean: An either-or relationship. ClosedSee formatting details