Managing Teams

Within Process Automation, navigate to the Teams page. From this page, process administrators and process managers can:

  • Create, edit, import and delete teams (including team members, team roles, managers, and team task visibility).
  • Add users to teams.

Creating a Team

  1. On the Teams page, click New in the top left corner.
  2. Enter or select a team name, description, and task visibility level for the team. The task visibility level determines which team members can view tasks not assigned to them.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Add the first team members.
  5. Optional: Choose one or more roles for the selected team members.
  6. Click Create.

Exporting and Importing a Team

If you want to copy your teams between different accounts, you can export teams as XML files from one account and import them to another.

Exporting a Team

  1. On the Teams page, select the team that you want to export.
  2. Click Export icon in the top right corner of the pane listing the teams.

Importing a Team

  1. On the Teams page, click Import in the top left corner.
  2. Click Choose file to select the XML you want to import.
  3. Click Finish.

Modifying a Team

You can modify the name, description, and task visibility of a team. The task visibility determines who on the team can view tasks not assigned to them.

  1. On the Teams page, select the checkbox next to the team you want to modify.
  2. Click the Edit icon or the team name to reach the team editor page.
  3. In the right pane, modify the name, description, and task visibility options for the team.
  4. Click Save.

Deleting a Team

  1. On the Teams page, select the teams you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete icon in the top right corner.
  3. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog that appears.

    Note: Process Managers can only delete a team if that team has no projects. If the user is a Process Administrator or Process Manager with the Team Manager role, then the team and its projects can be deleted together.

The Members Tab

On the Teams page, double-click on a team. You will see a list of current team members on the Members tab, as well as tabs for Projects and Team Notifications.

Adding a Team Member

  1. Click the Add team member icon in the top right corner of the list of members.
  2. Search for the user you want to add.
  3. Select the desired user when it appears below the search query text box.
  4. Optional: Choose one or more roles for the selected team members.
  5. Click Add.

Removing a Team Member

  1. Select the team members that you want to remove from the team.
  2. Click the Delete icon in the top right corner.

Updating Team Member Roles

  1. Select the team members that you want to update.
  2. Click the Update Role icon in the top right corner.
  3. Change the roles for the selected team members.
  4. Click Update.

    Note: Members may have multiple roles. When updating roles for multiple members, only changes to the roles will be applied, but these changes will be applied to all selected members.