Determining Access Rights

Access to Process Automation (PA)Teams features relies on the interaction of both the user's access rights set within the Account Administration portal and their Team role.

Note: All users must have a minimum account right of Access to Process Automation.

On each team there are rights governing:

  • Task visibility - who can take Business Process tasks assigned to the team.
  • Management of team membership and settings.
  • PA resources visibility and design privilege.
  • Process data visibility.

The charts below provides information on how the users access rights interact with the team roles to control access to the actions available to that user.

Basic Team Rights

Actions Required Rights and/or Roles
Create Teams Account rights of PA Process Administrator or Process Manager

Edit Teams and Create Projects

  • Edit team information
  • Add and remove members
  • Delete team
  • Create Project

Account rights of PA Process Administrator or Process Manager


Team role of Team Manager

Note: Process Managers can only delete a team if that team has no projects. If the user is a Process Administrator or a Process Manager with the Team Manager role, then the team and its projects can be deleted at once.

Edit Project

  • Project Name and Alias
  • Contributors
  • Enable external project access
  • Transfer ownership
  • Delete project
  • Set resource access

Account rights of PA Process Administrator


Team role of Team Manager

Migrate Resources

Team role of Team Developer PLUS Account rights of PA Process Administrator


Team role of Team Developer and Team Manager PLUS Account rights of PA Process Developer

View Project Landing Page Team role of Team Manager, Team Developer, Analyst, or Viewer
View Resources

Team Role of Team Manager, Team Developer, Analyst, or Viewer

Create and Edit Resources

Team role of Team Developer

View Data

Team role of Analyst

Custom Reports



External Access Rights

If External Access is enabled for the project, the following table provides information on what actions are possible for other users that have been granted access.

Actions Required Rights and/or Roles
Migrate Resources

User has been granted External Project Access PLUS Account rights of PA Process Administrator


External Project Access PLUS Team role of Team Manager PLUS Account rights of PA Process Developer

View Project Landing Page External Project Access
View Resources

External Project Access

Create and Edit Resources

External Project Access

View Data

External Project Access WITH View Submitted Data checked

Note:Survey developers can only view business process data if they have the Analyst team role, not if they only have External Project Access

Custom Reports

External Project Access PLUS Account rights of PA Process Administrator, Process Manager, Developer, or Asset Manager


Business Process Specific Access Rights

Some management actions for business processes within a project require specific rights. The following tables provide information on what actions are possible for users that have been granted access.

Monitor Page: Draft Management

Actions Required Rights and/or Roles
View Production Draft

Team role of Analyst


Team role of Team Developer PLUS Account rights of PA Process Administrator


External Project Access granted WITH View Submitted Data checked

View Development Draft

Search Draft

Team role of Analyst


Team role of Team Developer PLUS Account rights of PA Process Administrator or Developer


External Project Access granted WITH View Submitted Data checked

Delete Draft

Resend Email Notification

Update Email Address

Team role of Analyst


Team role of Team Developer PLUS Account rights of PA Process Administrator or Developer


External Project Access granted AND Account rights of PA Process Administrator or Developer WITH View Submitted Data checked

Note: Resend Email Notification and Update Email Address are only available with public drafts.

Note: Development drafts are related to drafts saved from a submission or task which has been triggered from the process diagram, while production drafts are related to drafts saved from a submission or task which has been triggered from either a form or the manage page. The two modes apply to the three categories (public, private, and task) of drafts.