Update Word Document

Update Word Document activity

This activity performs a series of modifications on a Microsoft Word document.

To set up this activity:

  1. Drag the activity from the toolbox pane and drop it in the Designer pane.
  2. In the properties pane, type a name and description of the activity.
    The name and description editors
  3. In the Document to Modify property box, select the Word document you want to modify from the following options:
    • Server attachment: Select an electronic document attached in Files. Click the Browse button (ellipsis) to browse to an attachment.
    • Activity: Attach a document created by an activity in your workflow. To attach a document:
      1. Click the Edit button to select an entry from an activity earlier in your workflow definition.
      2. Hover over the activity you want to select the source from.
      3. Select a source in the activity.
  4. In the Modifications property box, click New....
  5. Select a type of modification: Find Replace, Simple Field Merge, or Table Field Merge and configure the options for that type of modification.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Output Document Options property box, select additional actions on the document.
    • Create new document: Creates a new document with the changes made by the activity instead of updating the existing document.
      • Convert to PDF: Converts the resulting document to PDF format.
      • Rename Document: Changes the name of the document to the value you provide here.
    • Overwrite Source Documents (activity sourced files only): Overwrites the source document when you select Activity in the drop-down menu in the Document to Modify property box.
    • Emit email token: Creates a token containing the resulting content.
    • Report serialization warnings: Displays warnings from serialization in the Messages tab in the instance report.

You may want to disable activities if you only want to test specific sections of your workflow. To disable activities:

  1. Select an activity in the designer pane to highlight it.
  2. In the Description property box, clear Enable.

For an example that uses this feature across process automation, see the Migrating Laserfiche Form Tables into Microsoft Word Documents whitepaper.