Search Repository

Search Repository activity

This activity searches through the repository for entries matching the specified criteria. The entries the search finds can be accessed with the For Each Entry activity.

To set up this activity:

  1. Drag the activity from the toolbox pane and drop it in the Designer pane.
  2. In the properties pane, type a name and description of the activity.
    The name and description editors
  3. In the Connection Profile property box, select the repository you want the activity to use.
  4. In the Condition property box, click Edit conditions....
  5. Configure the conditions for the search. If the conditions are not met, the Result Count token will be equal to 0, and will return no entries.

    Note: This activity only has the "all are true" option, does not support nested conditions, and only a subset of the Entry properties are available.

  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Number of Results property box, specify the maximum number of entries to return, up to a maximum of 100.
  8. In the Additional Properties to Retrieve property box, specify any additional properties to retrieve.
  9. In the Fields to Retrieve property box, specify which fields to include in the results.
  10. In the Sort Found Entries By property box, specify how the entries should be sorted.

You may want to disable activities if you only want to test specific sections of your workflow. To disable activities:

  1. Select an activity in the designer pane to highlight it.
  2. In the Description property box, clear Enable.