Condition Type Options

This page describes all the options in the condition type in the condition editor. The options available depend on where the condition is configured.


You can use the following options in reference to a repository document.

Name Description
Extension Document file extension compared to extension in "<empty>".
Page Count Number of pages compared to "<empty>".**
Is Version Controlled Returns true if document is under version control. Use this to keep track of the edits to an important document.
Signature Status Signature status, can be either is signed or is not signed. (Option currently disabled.)
Signature Count Number of signatures compared to number in "<empty>". (Option currently disabled.)
Signature Reason Reason for signing document compared to reason in "<empty>". (Option currently disabled.)
Signed By User who signed document compared to user in "<empty>". (Option currently disabled.)
Signed By (Group) User who signed document is a member of the group compared to group in "<empty>". (Option currently disabled.)
Stamp Names Stamp name compared to name in "<empty>".
Annotation Text Annotation text compared to text in "<empty>".


You can use the following options in reference to a repository entry (document or folder).

Name Description
Field Entry field values compared to the field in "<empty>".
Name Entry name compared to the name in "<empty>".
Parent Name Entry parent name compared to the name in "<empty>".
Parent ID Entry with the parent ID compared to the one in "<empty>".
Path Entry path compared to the path in "<empty>".
Tag Check whether the Entry tag is or is not set.
Template Name Entry template name compared to name in "<empty>".
Is Record Returns true if the entry is in a record series, or has Records Management properties applied.


You can use the following options in reference to a repository folder.

Name Description
Document Count Document count in folder compared to count in "<empty>".
Folder Count Folder count compared to count in "<empty>".
Entry Count Entry count compared to count in "<empty>".
Contents (recursive) Folder name compared to name in "an entry with 'Name equals'".***
Contents Folder content compared to content in "an entry with 'Name equals'". Use the sub-condition to specify conditions that apply to one entry in a folder.

***The recursive part means you apply the conditions to subfolders too. When you specify a value for these conditions, a separate sub-condition editor will open so that you can specify conditions that will apply to a single entry within a folder.

Note: Because the contents option is resource-intensive, a Wait for Entry Change activity will only evaluate the contents of a folder when a change occurs to the main folder, and not when a change occurs within the folder. For example, you have a folder A with contents x, y, and z. If a change occurs to x, but no change occurs to the folder A, then no change is caught. However, if you have a change to folder A, and to the content in x, both changes are caught.


You can use the following option in reference to a token.

Name Description
Token Token compared to the token in "<empty>". You can only use tokens on the left side of conditions.


You can use the following option in reference to a repository.

Name Description

Repository ID compared to the one in "<empty>". The repository ID is the string with the format r-XXXXXXXX that appears in your repository URL, where each X is an alphanumeric character. For example, if your repository URL is, that means your repository ID is r-1e1d4f4g.


You can use the following option in reference to a user action.

Name Description
User User who performs the action in Event Type compared to the one in "<empty>".

Entry Change

You can use the following option in reference to a change to a repository entry.

Entry Change
Name Description
Entry Change

Define the starting events based on the types of changes applied to the document. For example, include Template Field Deleted to catch when a field value is removed from a document, either by setting a field value in the template as blank or by removing an independent field.

User's Groups

You can use the following option in reference to a change to a repository user group.

User's Groups
Name Description
User's Groups The user who performs the action in Event Type is a user who is in the same user group as the one specified in <empty>.

Parent Folder

You can use the following options in reference to a repository parent folder.

Parent Folder
Name Description
Parent Contents (recursive) The parent folder name compared to the name specified in an entry with 'Name equals '. The recursive part means you apply the conditions to subfolders too. When you specify a value for these conditions a separate sub-condition editor will open so that you can specify conditions that will apply to a single entry within a folder.
Parent Contents

The parent folder content name compared to the name specified in an entry with 'Name equals '. When you specify a value for these conditions a separate sub-condition editor will open so that you can specify conditions that will apply to a single entry within a folder.

Example: A wait condition waits for a specific document to be present in the starting entry's parent folder or subfolders. By selecting the Parent Folder: Contents (recursive) condition, the workflow will check the starting entry's parent folder and the parent folder's subfolders.