Publish and Test a Workflow

After you build a workflow, you can publish it to make it ready to run. If you make changes to a workflow after it is published, republish it to update the workflow with the newest changes.

To publish a workflow:

  1. Click the Save button in the workflow designer toolbar to save your changes.
  2. Click the Validate button to check for missing or incorrectly configured steps.
  3. Click the Publish button.

Note: Publishing will automatically save and validate the workflow.

While the validation step checks for missing or incorrectly configured steps, it is a good idea to test-run the workflow to ensure that the workflow runs as expected.

To test-run a workflow:

  1. Click the Run button in the workflow designer toolbar.
  2. Optional: Next to Starting Entry ID, specify the ID of the starting entry (the entry the workflow begins with).
  3. Optional: Next to Initiator, specify the initiator of the workflow to ensure the workflow runs correctly with the selected initiator.
  4. Optional: If input parameters have been defined for the workflow, set test values for each input parameter to be tested.
  5. Click Run Workflow.

After you test-run the workflow, the new instance opens in the instance report. You use this report to determine if the workflow performed as you expected. If it did, you can assign starting events to the workflow to run the workflow automatically. If it did not, you can navigate back to the workflow designer to edit the workflow.

See also:

Free Training: Publishing and Testing a Workflow in Laserfiche Cloud eLearning course in Aspire.

Advanced Testing Concepts