Tokens for Apply Text Annotation Activity

This activity produces the following tokens:

Name Description Sample Syntax
Match_Found (Boolean) Returns "true" if at least one match is found based on the pattern. Otherwise, returns "false". %(ApplyTextAnnotation_Match_Found)
Num_Matches (Integer) Returns the number of items that match the pattern. %(ApplyTextAnnotation_Num_Matches)
Annotated_Pages (List) Returns a number for each page that is annotated with this activity. %(ApplyTextAnnotation_Annotated_Pages)

The "ApplyTextAnnotation" portion of the syntax changes to match the activity's name.

Note: All non-alphanumeric characters, except underscores, are removed from the name. For example, if you rename the activity "(Note) Progress!", the syntax for the Match_Found token is "%(NoteProgress_Match_Found)".