Tokens for Find Entry Activity

This activity produces the following tokens:

Name Description Sample Syntax
OutputEntry_Name The name of the found entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_Name)
OutputEntry_Id The Laserfiche ID number of the found entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_Id)
OutputEntry_Path The folder path of the found entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_Path)
OutputEntry_FullPath The folder path of the found entry including the entry's name. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_FullPath)
OutputEntry_Repository The repository the found entry is in. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_Repository)
EntryWasFound Whether the Find Entry activity found the specified entry. This token can have one of two possible values: True or False. %(FindEntry_EntryWasFound)
OutputEntry_CheckOutComment The comment associated with the current version of the entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_CheckOutComment)
OutputEntry_CheckedOutBy The user account that checked out the entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_CheckedOutBy)
OutputEntry_CheckedOutBySID The Security Identifier of the user account that checked out the entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_CheckedOutBySID)
OutputEntry_CheckedOutDate The date when the entry was checked out. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_CheckedOutDate)
OutputEntry_ClassificationLevel The VERS classification level of the entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_ClassificationLevel)
OutputEntry_CreatedBy The user account that created the entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_CreatedBy)
OutputEntry_CreatedBySID The Security Identifier of the user account that created the entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_CreatedBySID)
OutputEntry_CreationDate When the entry was created. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_CreationDate)
OutputEntry_CutoffCycle The name of the records management cutoff cycle governing the entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_CutoffCycle)
OutputEntry_CutoffDate When the record was cut off. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_CutoffDate)
OutputEntry_CutoffEligibility When the record become eligible for cutoff. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_CutoffEligibility)
OutputEntry_CutoffInstruction The name of the records management cutoff instruction that governs the found entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_CutoffInstruction)
OutputEntry_CutoffInstructionType The type of cutoff instruction. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_CutoffInstructionType)
OutputEntry_ParentID The Laserfiche ID number of the parent folder containing the found entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_ParentID)
OutputEntry_ElectronicFileLastModifiedDate When the electronic file associated with the document was last modified. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_ElectronicFileLastModifiedDate)
OutputEntry_ElectronicFileSize The file size of the electronic file associated with the document. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_ElectronicFileSize)
OutputEntry_EntryLockType Specifies whether the found entry is currently locked. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_EntryLockType)
OutputEntry_EventDate The set event date on a record. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_EventDate)
OutputEntry_Extension The file extension of the electronic file. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_Extension)
OutputEntry_FilingDate The filing date of the found entry, if the found entry is under records management. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_FilingDate)
OutputEntry_FinalDispositionAction The final disposition action type on the retention schedule governing the found entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_FinalDispositionAction)
OutputEntry_FinalDispositionDate The final disposition date on the found entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_FinalDispositionDate)
OutputEntry_HasSubfolders Indicates whether the found entry contains subfolders. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_HasSubfolders)
OutputEntry_HasDocumentRelationships Indicates whether the found entry contains document relationships. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_HasDocumentRelationships)
OutputEntry_HasElectronicDocument Indicates whether the found entry is associated with an electronic file. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_HasElectronicDocument)
OutputEntry_HasHold Indicates whether the found entry is a record that is currently has a hold. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_HasHold)
OutputEntry_HasImage Specifies whether the found entry is a document that contains image pages. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_HasImage)
OutputEntry_HasLocations Indicates whether the document text is linked to locations on page images. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_HasLocations)
OutputEntry_HasTags Indicates whether the found entry has assigned tags. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_HasTags)
OutputEntry_HasText Indicates whether the found entry contains text pages. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_HasText)
OutputEntry_HasThumbnails Indicates whether the found entry contains thumbnail images. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_HasThumbnails)
OutputEntry_HitCount The number of context hits. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_HitCount)
OutputEntry_IsCheckedOut Indicates whether the found entry is currently checked out. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_IsCheckedOut)
OutputEntry_IsClosed Indicates whether the found entry is a record that is closed. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_IsClosed)
OutputEntry_IsCutoff Indicates whether the found entry is a record that is cutoff. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_IsCutoff)
OutputEntry_IsDispositioned Indicates whether the found entry is a record that is in final disposition. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_IsDispositioned)
OutputEntry_IsIndexed Indicates whether the found entry is indexed. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_IsIndexed)
OutputEntry_IsLatestVersion Indicates whether the found entry is the highest position in a document link group. This value defaults to True for documents that are not in a link group. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_IsLatestVersion)
OutputEntry_IsSigned Indicates whether the found entry contains a digital signature. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_IsSigned)
OutputEntry_IsVersionControlled Indicates whether the found entry is under version control. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_IsVersionControlled)
OutputEntry_IsVitalRecord Indicates whether the found entry is a record that is marked as vital. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_IsVitalRecord)
OutputEntry_LastModifiedBy The user account that last modified the found entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_LastModifiedBy)
OutputEntry_LastModifiedBySID The SID of the user account that last modified the found entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_LastModifiedBySID)
OutputEntry_LastModifiedDate The last modified date of the found entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_LastModifiedDate)
OutputEntry_LastReviewDate The last time that a vital record was reviewed. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_LastReviewDate)
OutputEntry_LatestVersionComment The latest version comment of a document under version control. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_LatestVersionComment)
OutputEntry_LatestVersionNumber The latest version number of a document under version control. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_LatestVersionNumber)
OutputEntry_LinkGroupNumber The ID of the link group that found entry belongs to. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_LinkGroupNumber)
OutputEntry_Location The current location of the found record. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_Location)
OutputEntry_LocationID The ID of the current location of the found record. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_LocationID)
OutputEntry_LockedBy The user account that has a lock on the document. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_LockedBy)
OutputEntry_LockedBySID The SID of the user account that has a lock on the document. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_LockedBySID)
OutputEntry_MimeType The MimeType of the electronic file associated with the document. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_MimeType)
OutputEntry_NextReviewDate When the vital record is next due for review. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_NextReviewDate)
OutputEntry_OCRedPages The number of OCRed pages in the document. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_OCRedPages)
OutputEntry_OwnerName The user account that is marked as the owner of the document. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_OwnerName)
OutputEntry_OwnerSID The user account that is marked as the owner of the document. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_OwnerSID)
OutputEntry_PageCount The number of pages in the found document. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_PageCount)
OutputEntry_CheckOutComment The check out comment if the found entry is currently checked out. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_CheckOutComment)
OutputEntry_RecordFolderId The entry ID of the record folder that contains the found entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_RecordFolderId)
OutputEntry_Relevance The Laserfiche Full-Text Search Engine's relevance score for a found entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_Relevance)
OutputEntry_RetentionSchedule The Retention Schedule governing a record. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_RetentionSchedule)
OutputEntry_ReviewandUpdateCyclePeriod The review cycle that governs a vital record. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_ReviewandUpdateCyclePeriod)
OutputEntry_Security The allowed entry access rights for the user that is doing the search. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_Security)
OutputEntry_SeriesCode The record series code. This value only returns on the actual record series. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_SeriesCode)
OutputEntry_ShortcutTargetID The entry ID of the target of a shortcut. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_ShortcutTargetID)
OutputEntry_ShortcutTargetType The entry type of the target of a shortcut. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_ShortcutTargetType)
OutputEntry_SignatureCount The number of digital signatures on the document. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_SignatureCount)
OutputEntry_TemplateColor The color of the template that is assigned to the found entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_TemplateColor)
OutputEntry_TemplateId The ID of the template that is assigned to the found entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_TemplateId)
OutputEntry_TemplateName The name of the template that is assigned to the found entry. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_TemplateName)
OutputEntry_TotalDocumentSize The sum of the sizes of all parts of the found Laserfiche document (images, text, electronic file). %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_TotalDocumentSize)
OutputEntry_Type Whether the found entry is a record series, folder, or document. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_Type)
OutputEntry_WebAccessURL A link to the found entry that goes to Web Access after you select Generate URLs to the document. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_WebAccessURL)
OutputEntry_MobileURL A link to the found entry that goes to Mobile after you select Generate URLs to the document. %(FindEntry_OutputEntry_MobileURL)
Output LFShortcutFile An attachment in an email containing the found entry. %(Email_Output LFShortcutFile)

The "FindEntry" portion of the syntax changes to match the activity's name.

Note: All non-alphanumeric characters, except underscores, are removed from the name. For example, if you rename the activity "Get Resume #1", the syntax for the OutputEntry_Id token is "%(GetResume1_OutputEntry_Id)".