
Laserfiche search is a powerful way of quickly locating documents in your repository based on whatever information you have. For example, you can search by full or partial entry names, tag, field data, text, or annotation text. Most search filters can be customized with wildcards or advanced search operators.

After performing a search, a list of documents and/or folders that match the search criteria will be displayed. You can work with and open documents directly from search results. In addition, the results of the most recent search will be kept in search results, and you can return to them at any time by clicking Search Results in the upper left corner of the Folder Browser.

Quickly Accessing Documents in Laserfiche

Quick Search Bar

The quick search bar lets you perform a basic search without having to open a new dialog box or change your repository view. This search will by default include document text (including transcribed text), entry names, field data, and annotation text. The quick search bar is located at the top of the Folder Browser. Opening the search bar menu also allows you to configure the following options:

  • Within Folder: When a folder is open in the Folder Pane, you can limit your search to a specific folder and its subfolders. Select Search within current folder, Search within entire repository or Search within selected folder.
  • Date Modified: Select this option to restrict search results to entries modified within the last 7 days, last 30 days, anytime or a custom range. To set a custom range, enter the initial date and the final date to set a span of dates in which the searches can be made.
  • Template: Select this option to restrict your search to entries with a specific template.
  • Add Field: Select this option to search for documents with a specific field. You can provide a field value, or use the all values wildcard (*) to search for all documents with the specified field.
  • Custom Quick Search: Select a custom quick search to perform. See Custom Quick Searches for more information.

Search Filters

The search filter pane allows you to perform more powerful searches with a wider range of search types, including custom search filters. You can also save a search filter for quick re-use in the future. To perform this kind of search, select Search Filters next to the Search bar. See Search Filters for more information.

Search Results

When you perform either a quick search or an search using filters, your search results will display in the center of the Folder Browser. You can view metadata for documents returned by search, or open them directly from search results. If you performed a document or annotation text search, the context hits will be displayed at the bottom of the search results. These allow you to quickly see the context in which your search terms were found. You can also click on the context hit to open the document directly to the page where the search term was found, or, in the case of audio and video files, jump to the part of the file that contains the keyword.

Search Syntax

A search syntax search allows you to combine searches in more powerful ways than you can using the standard search options in the Search Filters pane. You can view the search syntax for any search you perform by clicking View search syntax, or you can manually construct a search syntax search by selecting the Search syntax search type. For more information, see Search Syntax.