
Tracing is a troubleshooting feature that allows you to generate a log of activity in Laserfiche Cloud. This information can be helpful when attempting to fix an issue you are encountering in Laserfiche. Since tracing is resource-intensive, it should only be used for short periods of time to diagnose specific problems, generally on the request of your support contact.

To enable tracing, log in to Laserfiche and go to the repository. In the upper left corner, click your user name and select Options. Select Advanced, and then select the log level you want to use. Log levels are defined below. Click Start and then perform the task or tasks that you want to trace, then click Stop.

Laserfiche Cloud will display a reference ID number, which corresponds to a specific trace log that will be generated on the server side. You should then provide the reference ID to your support contact so that they can locate it for troubleshooting.

Log Levels

The following log levels are available. In general, your support contact will tell you which log level to use.

  • Critical: Only very important errors will be logged. This is the default setting.
  • Important: All errors will be logged.
  • Informational: Both errors and non-error informational messages will be logged.
  • Debug: All errors and non-error informational messages, plus additional information about activity in Laserfiche, will be logged. This setting is only recommended when troubleshooting a specific issue.