Display Options

You can configure display options to modify what is displayed in the Folder Browser and Document Viewer. Display options are saved on a user-by-user basis.

Folder Browser Display Options

In the folder browser, the following display options are available:

Change column display: Allows you to configure columns in the Folder Browser. See Configuring Columns for more information.

Change view: Allows you to specify whether you want to display folder contents as a list (including column information) or as icons. If you choose to display as icons, images and documents with pages will show a thumbnail of the first page; all other documents and folders will show an icon representing the folder or document type.

Document Viewer Display Options

In the document viewer, you can configure which parts of the document (pages, thumbnails, metadata, document text, etc.) should be displayed and in what format. See Viewing the Contents of a Document with Pages for more information.