Laserfiche Email Archive Mail Cache

In some scenarios, emails will be cached (temporarily saved) as they wait for further processing. The email cache includes information about the email and how to import the email. The email’s message is encrypted while cached.

Scenarios in which emails will be cached

  • If the email message count in the queue exceeds the configured QueueCapability option, emails will be saved into cache for later processing. The cached emails will be processed when the Laserfiche Email Archive service is idle. If the queue fills up to capacity, then IMAP will stop adding emails to the queue and wait until the next time it polls the mailbox.

    Note: If the QueueCapability is 0 or less than 0, all incoming messages will go to the email cache first. The larger the QueueCapability, the faster emails will be imported but the larger the memory and CPU costs. The smaller the QueueCapability, the slower the emails will be imported but the lower the memory and CPU costs. In general, the default value (1000) is recommended.

  • Messages that fail to import will be cached and the import will be retried later (based on the RetryInterval option).
  • Any emails pending import when the Laserfiche Email Archive service is stopped will be cached. They will be imported after the service restarts.
  • With SMTP implementations only, the email server may break large emails into multiple parts before sending those parts. The archiving service will cache the parts as they arrive. Once all the parts have arrived it will archive the email to Laserfiche. If all the parts don’t arrive by the time the specified timeout period has elapsed, it will archive the parts it has. Learn more about setting this timeout period.