Configuring Your Email Approval Server

Setting Up Direct Approval

  1. On the Email Approval tab, select Enable email approval.
  2. Select one of the following options:
    1. Click an action button in an email to complete tasks - this option adds buttons to emails for performing tasks.
    2. Reply to an email with the action button text to complete tasks - This option allows a user to reply to an email to perform tasks.

To use the direct approval feature that allows users to reply to email notifications to perform tasks, you must configure an email account that Forms will monitor for these replies.

After specifying the email account and inbox folder to monitor on the Forms Configuration page, you'll need to ensure that the reference copy of the approval email is automatically routed to the inbox folder you specified.

In Microsoft Outlook, for example, you can create a rule to automatically move emails to a specific folder. For example, you can create a rule that routes the reference copy to the specified inbox folder based on the sender email account you configured in the Email Notification Server tab.

Learn more about creating rules in Microsoft Outlook.