List of Variables

The variables, that you can use in a form, vary depend on the situation. For example, previous task variables are not available when configuring the On Event Completion page, because the message shows before any tasks run.












Variable Syntax Description
Business Process ID {/dataset/_bp_process_id} The ID of the forms process.
Business Process Name {/dataset/_bp_process_name} The name of the forms process.
Process Time Zone {/dataset/_process_time_zone} The time zone of the forms process.
Current Step ID {/_current_step_id} The ID of the currently running step in the process.
Current Step Name {/_current_step_name} The name of the currently running step in the process.


Variable Syntax Description
ID {/dataset/_instance_id} The instance ID.
Initiator email {/dataset/_initiator_email} The email address of the user who started the process instance.
Initiator name {/dataset/_initiator_displayname} The name of the user who started the process instance (e.g., John Smith).
Initiator username {/dataset/_initiator} The user name of the user who started the process instance (e.g., jsmith).
Start Date {/dataset/_initiated_date} The date when the process instance started.
Start Time {/dataset/_initiated_time} The time when the process instance started.

Current Task

Variable Syntax Description
Assigned to {/dataset/_task_assigned_to} The user/team that the current user task is assigned to.

Direct Approval

{action button} link {/dataset/_direct_approval_link[@_name={action button}]} The link to directly approve the user task with {action button}.
{action button} button) button (html code snippet with the link token) The button to directly approve the user task with {action button}.
Due date {/dataset/_task_due_date} The due date of the current user task.
Mobile task link {/dataset/_mobile_task_link} A URL to a task. Produces a more mobile-friendly task page than {/dataset/_task_link}.
Priority {/dataset/_task_priority} The priority of the current user task.
Start date {/dataset/_task_date} The start date of the current user task.
Start time {/dataset/_task_time} The start date time of the current user task.
Task link {/dataset/_task_link} A URL to a task, for desktop devices.

Previous Submission

These variables refer to the previous user or service task that submitted a form.

Variable Syntax Description
Action {/dataset/_action} The action performed by the user or task that last submitted a form (e.g., approve or reject).
Comment {/dataset/_comment} The comments left by the user or task who submitted the form.
Completion date {/dataset/_submission_date} The date when the form was submitted.
Completion time {/dataset/_submission_time} The time when the form was submitted.
Participant email {/dataset/_submitter_email} The email address of the user who submitted the form.
Participant name {/dataset/_submitter_displayname} The name of the user who submitted the form.
Participant username {/dataset/_submitter} The user name of the user who that submitted the form.
Submission ID {/dataset/_submission_id} The ID of the submission.
Submission IP Address {/dataset/_submission_ip_address} The IP address of the computer from which the last form was submitted.

Previously Saved Form

These variables refer to the repository entry created by a Save To Repository task, and refer to the last saved data within the repository.

Variable Syntax Description
Attachment Folder ID List {/dataset/_saved_form_folder_attach_list} The list of IDs for the parent folders for the files that were attached to the form.
Attachment ID List {/dataset/_saved_form_attach_list} The list of attachments as a comma delimited list of IDs.
Folder ID {/dataset/_saved_form_folder_id} The entry ID of the folder where the form was saved.
Folder Name {/dataset/_saved_form_folder_name} The name of the folder.
Folder Path {/dataset/_saved_form_folder_path} The path of the folder.
ID {/dataset/_saved_form_id} The entry ID of the saved form.
Name {/dataset/_saved_form_name} The name of the entry as specified when the form was saved.
Path {/dataset/_saved_form_path} The repository path to the entry.

Previous User Submission

Unlike the Previous Submission Variables, these variables refer only to the previous user task.

Variable Syntax Description
Action {/dataset/_fs_action} The action performed by the user who last submitted a form (e.g., approve or reject).
Comment {/dataset/_fs_comment} The comments left by the user who submitted the form.
Completion date {/dataset/_fs_submission_date} The date when the form was submitted.
Completion time {/dataset/_fs_submission_time} The time when the form was submitted.
Participant email {/dataset/_fs_submitter_email} The email address of the user who submitted the form.
Participant name {/dataset/_fs_submitter_displayname} The name of the user who submitted the form participant (e.g., John Smith).
Participant username {/dataset/_fs_submitter} The user name of the user who submitted the form (e.g., jsmith).
Submission ID {/dataset/_fs_submission_id} The ID of the submission.
Submission IP Address {/dataset/_fs_submission_ip_address} The IP address of the computer from which the last form was submitted.

Recent Payment

Variable Syntax Description
Payment Gateway {/dataset/_paymentGatewayType} The payment gateway used in the process (e.g. Braintree or Authorize.Net).
Merchant ID {/dataset/_merchantId} The merchant ID number for the payment gateway.
Transaction ID {/dataset/_transactionId} The transaction ID number for the payment.
Payment Transaction Status {/dataset/_transactionStatusTF} The status of the payment.
Currency {/dataset/_currency} The currency used (e.g. USD).
Payment Amount {/dataset/_paymentAmount} The amount of the payment.

Current User

Variable Syntax Description
Email {/_useremail} The email address of the user viewing the form.
Name {/_currentuser_display} The user name of the user viewing the form (e.g., John Smith).
Username {/_currentuser} The name of the user viewing the form (e.g., jsmith).

Forms Server

Variable Syntax Description
Forms Server URL {/dataset/_forms_server_url} The URL of the forms server. Returns the Primary Forms Server URL when the FormsHostEmailOverride option is not set, or the value of FormsHostEmailOverride option when it exists.

User Task(s)

Variable Syntax Description
Assigned to {/dataset/_task_assigned_to[@_step_id=n]} where n is the step ID The user/team that the user task is assigned to.
Due date {/dataset/_task_due_date[@_step_id=n]} where n is the step ID The due date of the user task.
Priority {/dataset/_task_priority[@_step_id=n]} where n is the step ID The priority of the user task.
Start date {/dataset/_task_date[@_step_id=n]} where n is the step ID The start date of the user task.
Start time {/dataset/_task_time[@_step_id=n]} where n is the step ID The start date time of the user task.
Resume ID {/dataset/_task_resume_id[@_step_id=n]} where n is the step ID. The Resume ID is the unique identifier for a user task. It can be used to construct a task link. The Resume ID is available once a user task is generated, and will not change once created.
Task Link {/dataset/_task_link[@_step_id=n]}, where n is the user task step ID. The URL to a task, which navigates the user to the task in the browser.
Mobile Task Link {/dataset/_mobile_task_link[@_step_id=n]}, where n is the user task step ID. The mobile URL to a task, which will navigate the user to the task in the Laserfiche App.