Access Rights Implications

Certain access rights overlap in functionality with other access rights. For example, you cannot modify a document without being able to see what you are modifying, and so it doesn't make sense to deny the Read entry access right while allowing the Modify Contents entry access right.

In order to reduce the complexity of access rights checking, Laserfiche enforces a set of access rights implications. This means that allowing certain rights will automatically grant other rights. Likewise, disallowing or denying certain rights will automatically disallow or deny a related right, respectively.

The following tables demonstrate the access rights implications for entry access rights, volume access rights, field access rights, and template access rights. The first column indicates the right whose status is being changed. The Implicitly Allowed column indicates the rights that will be allowed when the right in the first column is granted to a user. The Implicitly Disallowed/Denied column indicates the rights that will no longer be granted to a user when the right in the first column is no longer allowed. If the right in the first column was specifically denied, the rights specified under the Disallowed/Denied column will also be denied. All rights that are not listed have no special implications.

The following table lists entry access rights implications:

Entry Access Right Implicitly Allowed Implicitly Disallowed/Denied
Annotate Read and See Annotations None
Append Data Read None
Read None Annotate, Append Data, Delete Document Pages, See Annotations, See Through Redactions, Modify Contents, and Write Metadata
See Annotations Read Annotate and See Through Redactions
See Through Redactions Read and See Annotations None
Modify Contents Read None
Write Metadata Read None

The following table lists volume access rights implications:

Volume Access Right Implicitly Allowed Implicitly Disallowed/Denied
Add Files Read Modify/Delete Files
Read None Add Files and Modify/Delete Files
Modify/Delete Files Add Files and Read None
Change Volume Security Read Volume Security None
Read Volume Security None Modify Volume Security

The following table lists field access rights implications:

Field Access Right Implicitly Allowed Implicitly Disallowed/Denied
Create Read Edit
Edit Create and Read None
Read None Create and Edit
Modify Security Read Security None
Read Security None Modify Security

The following table lists template access rights implications: 

Template Access Right Implicitly Allowed Implicitly Disallowed/Denied
Modify Template Read None
Read None Modify Template
Change Template Security Read Template Security None
Read Template Security None Change Template Security