Volume Access Rights

Documents in a Laserfiche repository can be organized into different volumes, and volume access rights can secure all documents located in them. More specifically, volume access rights can secure the images, text, attachment annotations, and electronic files associated with documents stored on a particular volume. They provide an additional layer of security for the content of a document, but they do not override entry access rights. Users that do not have sufficient entry access rights will be denied access to content stored in a volume regardless of the volume access rights that they have been granted.

Note: Although volume access rights can be used to quickly prevent unauthorized users from viewing a document's content, it will not stop users from knowing that the document exists or from viewing metadata (i.e., field data, tags, relationships, etc.) associated with that document. Therefore, entry access rights should also be used to protect sensitive material.  

Tips for configuring volume access rights

Volume access rights prevent unauthorized Laserfiche users from viewing, adding, modifying, or deleting data from a volume. You should keep the following best practices in mind when configuring volume access rights:

Note: If you only need to restrict volume access rights for a few groups or users, it is quicker to simply deny the desired volume access rights on each of those groups or users. The volume access rights assigned to the Everyone group will ensure that all other users will still be able to add, modify, and view volume data.

Using Windows file security to secure your volumes

In addition to securing volumes with volume access rights, you should also secure images, text, and electronic files using Windows file security.

Images, text, electronic files, word location data, and thumbnails associated with a Laserfiche document are stored as files in an administrator-defined location for each volume. These files are not encrypted and can be viewed by anyone that has access to the location where you store your volumes. To prevent unauthorized access to your images, text, and electronic files, you should use Windows file security. Using Windows security prevents users from bypassing Laserfiche security and accessing images, text, and electronic files directly from the file system.

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