Assigning Volume Access Rights

Volume access rights can be assigned through the Laserfiche Web Administration Console.

To assign volume access rights:

  1. Start the Laserfiche Administration Console.
  2. In the console tree, expand the desired Laserfiche Server item.
  3. Select the desired Laserfiche repository.
  4. If security has been enabled on that repository, log in as any user who has been granted the Manage Volumes privilege for the specified repository, or the Change Volume Security volume access right for the volume.
  5. Select the Volumes node.
  6. Select the volume you want to modify.
  7. From the Action menu, hover over All Tasks, then click Security. The Volume Security dialog box will appear.
  8. The Assign Rights tab will display a list of trustees. A new repository will contain the EVERYONE trustee and the ADMIN trustee. Below the list of trustees is a list of volume access rights for the selected trustee.
  9. For each right in the Current access rights section, allow, deny, or leave it unassigned. If a right is unassigned, a user can inherit the right on that volume from groups to which he or she belongs. See a list of volume access rights.
    • Allow: If a user has been allowed a right, either directly or through a group they belong to, they will have that right unless they have also been denied it.
    • Deny: Denied rights always take precedence, so that if there is an accidental conflict in rights, documents will be less accessible rather than more accessible. For instance, if a user has been Allowed a right, but one of their groups has been Denied it, they will not have that right.
    • Blank: If a right is left blank, neither allowed nor denied, then by default it is not granted. However, if there is a rights conflict between allowed or denied rights and blank rights, the rights that are specifically allowed or denied will take precedence.
  10. To remove an access right, select the trustee and click Remove.
  11. Click OK to save your changes.

Note: In addition to volume access rights, a user also needs the appropriate entry access rights to create documents, import information, assign images/text to a document, add pages to a document, and view the content associated with a document.

To assign volume access rights:

  1. Start the Laserfiche Web Administration Console.
  2. Select the desired Laserfiche Server.
  3. Select the desired Laserfiche repository.
  4. If security has been enabled on that repository, log in as any user who has been granted the Manage Volumes privilege for the specified repository, or the Change Volume Security volume access right for the volume.
  5. Click ClosedVolumes.
  6. Click the volume you want to modify.
  7. Click the ClosedSecurity tab.
  8. Make sure the ClosedAssign Rights tab is selected and do one of the following:
  1. For each right in the Current Volume access rights section, allow, deny, or leave it unassigned. If a right is unassigned, a user can inherit the right on that volume from groups to which he or she belongs. See a list of volume access rights.
    • Allow: If a user has been allowed a right, either directly or through a group they belong to, they will have that right unless they have also been denied it.
    • Deny: Denied rights always take precedence, so that if there is an accidental conflict in rights, documents will be less accessible rather than more accessible. For instance, if a user has been Allowed a right, but one of their groups has been Denied it, they will not have that right.
    • Blank: If a right is left blank, neither allowed nor denied, then by default it is not granted. However, if there is a rights conflict between allowed or denied rights and blank rights, the rights that are specifically allowed or denied will take precedence.
  2. Click Save to save your changes.

Note: In addition to volume access rights, a user also needs the appropriate entry access rights to create documents, import information, assign images/text to a document, add pages to a document, and view the content associated with a document.