Server Features

The Laserfiche Server 11 installation package includes several optional and required components. This page explains each installation component and when and where to install it.

For instructions on performing the Laserfiche Server installation, see Installing the Laserfiche Server.

Laserfiche Server

The Laserfiche Server is the core of a Laserfiche installation, and it hosts the Laserfiche repository that contains your documents and metadata. In order to use Laserfiche, you must have the Laserfiche Server installed, but it does not necessarily need to be installed on the same computer as other Laserfiche utilities and components. You may only install as many Laserfiche Servers as you are licensed for. Laserfiche Rio installations are licensed for unlimited Laserfiche Servers; all other Laserfiche editions are licensed for a specific number of installations of the Server.

Laserfiche Full-Text Indexing and Search Engine

The Full-Text Indexing and Search Engine allows you to index and search the text of documents in your repository. The Full-Text Indexing and Search Engine must be installed in order to perform full-text searches, but it does not need to be installed on the same computer as the Laserfiche Server. The Laserfiche Full-Text Indexing and Search Engine installation also includes the Search Engine Configuration Utility.

Laserfiche Quick Reindex Utility

This Laserfiche Quick Reindex Utility is a command-line interface used to quickly regenerate the search index files for your Laserfiche repository. It can be used if you need to remove and recreate your search catalog, or to generate the search catalog for the first time. While it is not necessary to install this utility, it can significantly streamline reindexing. The Laserfiche Quick Reindex Utility must be installed on the Laserfiche Server computer. See Laserfiche Quick Reindex Utility for more information.