Transferring Data to a New Microsoft SQL Server

An important component of a Laserfiche repository is the DBMS used to manage essential information about the repository. You can choose to change the server hosting the DBMS at any time, though doing so requires that you detach the appropriate Microsoft SQL databases from the old Microsoft SQL Server and attach them to the new one.

Note: For specific information on how to attach or detach a Microsoft SQL database, please refer to the Microsoft SQL Server online documentation in the MSDN library (

Tip: You can also point your repository to a different DBMS or database using the Change DBMS Connection command.

To transfer data between Microsoft SQL Servers

  1. From the Laserfiche Web Administration Console, unregister each Laserfiche repository whose data will be moved to the new SQL Server.
  2. Stop the Laserfiche Server.
  3. Detach the SQL database from the current Microsoft SQL Server. Refer to your SQL management tool's documentation or to MSDN for more information on attaching and detaching databases.
  4. Move the SQL data files (.mdf and .ldf files) corresponding to the detached SQL database to the new SQL Server.
  5. Attach the SQL database to the new SQL Server.
  6. Restart the Laserfiche Server.
  7. From the Laserfiche Web Administration Console, register each Laserfiche repository.