Laserfiche Server Licensing

Your Laserfiche Server license contains information about the features and properties of your Laserfiche installation:

Note: You can increase server limits by updating your Laserfiche Server license. For more information, see Updating the Laserfiche Server License.

Regardless of how you activated your installation, your Laserfiche Server installation will include a license file. A copy of the license file (lf.licx) will be present in the Server installation directory.

In addition to the general information about Server features and properties, licensing determines how users can connect to the repository. See Licensing in Laserfiche Rio and Laserfiche Avante, or Licensing in Laserfiche Team and United, for more information. If you are not sure what edition of Laserfiche you are using, you can look at your Server information in the Administration Console. See Viewing Information About the Server for more information.

For more information on a specific licensing topic, return to the licensing home page.