Quick Fields Server Security

Document classes and sessions are stored on the Quick Fields Server, secured by privileges and access rights.


ClosedPrivileges are broad, overarching permissions granted to users and groups allowing them access to Quick Fields Server features.

Quick Fields Server Privileges

Access Rights

ClosedAccess rights determine what access users and groups have to individual document classes and sessions.

Set Access Rights dialog box

Note: By default, every user is granted the Viewer access right.

Security Inheritance and Effective Permissions

A user's rights are the sum of the privileges and access rights granted to the user and to the groups he or she belongs to. For example, if a user has not been granted any privileges, but he or she belongs to at least one group that has been granted some privileges, that user's effective permissions will include those privileges.

A user's individual access rights assigned take precedence. If a user does not have individual access rights assigned, but they are a member of a group, that group's access rights are inherited by that user. If a user is a member of multiple groups with conflicting rights, the most restrictive rights wins, with two exceptions:

Users with the Administrator or Manage Users/Groups privileges can view the full list of users and their rights/privileges. Otherwise, a user can only view their own rights/privileges. A user with the Manage Users/Groups privilege cannot modify his or her own privileges or access rights unless that same user also has the Administrator privilege.

Security Examples

Below are some examples that show the interactions between group membership and individual rights and privileges.