Document Merging

When a document sent from Quick Fields to a Laserfiche repository encounters an existing document with the same name, Quick Fields can create a new document in Laserfiche or merge the two documents together. This feature, under the ClosedDocument Merging tab, can be used with all scan sources, but is particularly relevant for the Laserfiche Capture Engine, which is designed to process documents that have already been stored in a Laserfiche repository.

Create a New Document

By default, Create a new document will be selected. When a document stored from Quick Fields has the same name as an existing document, the document from Quick Fields will be stored as a new, separate document. The new document will be named according to the Laserfiche naming convention for duplicate items in a folder, which is the name of the document with a sequential number in parentheses; e.g., Invoice (2). You can also save the new document as a new version or link it to the original document. For more information on versions and links in Laserfiche, see the Laserfiche Client help files.

Merge the Documents

You can also select Merge the documents to automatically merge the documents, and can configure settings to specify which information from which document will be kept with the final merged document. Select Place existing document under version control to place the original document under version control before the new one is merged with it.

Note: This option will result in a slower storage time. Use it only if you actually need it; otherwise the default settings will be more efficient.


In the ClosedPages tab, you can determine which pages from the document processed in Quick Fields will be stored in Laserfiche, and how they will be stored in relation to the previously existing pages.

You can also specify which pages or components of pages to store.


The ClosedTemplate tab allows you to specify what should happen when the documents to be merged have different templates assigned to them.

Specify whether to use the template assigned to the document in:

Specify how to handle fields from the template that will not be used:


In the ClosedFields tab, you can configure settings for what will happen to the values in fields when you merge documents.

Single-value fields

Specify default settings for what should happen to the data in single-value fields when you merge documents.

Multi-value fields

For multi-value fields, you have the same default options as for single-valued fields, plus one more.


You can create settings other than the default for specified fields.

To create merge settings for a particular field

  1. Under Exceptions, select the name of the field.
  2. Select the action that should be performed when merging that field.
  3. Click Add.

To remove merge settings for a particular field

  1. Select that field and setting from the list.
  2. Click Remove.