Mobile Uploads
Depending on your connection speed, uploading to Laserfiche may take some time. The Mobile Uploads option lets you see the documents that are currently uploading and that have been uploaded in the last seven days. If no documents have been uploaded in that time frame, the list will show the last 10 documents uploaded.
Note: Only images taken with your device's camera or uploaded from the device's image gallery will be displayed under Mobile Uploads.
If your device loses Internet connection, uploads will automatically pause and will resume as soon as the connection is regained.
To view and open mobile uploads
- Swipe right and press Mobile Uploads in the menu. Or, if you are at the root level in your repository press the menu button
in the top left and press Mobile Uploads.
- Documents that are in the process of uploading will have an uploading icon
next to them and their progress below them.
- From this screen you can open the document. If it has not uploaded completely, a warning will appear before it opens.
Note: You can use the Upload using Wi-Fi only option under Settings if you do not want to upload using cellular data.