Sharing Documents

Sharing documents lets you open them in another application, or send them as attachments via email. Sending them as email attachments is useful for those who do not have access to your repository. You can share documents that are offline in the Documents section under Offline Copies in the menu. You can also share documents between apps using the drag and drop feature with the Files app in iOS 11 and later. For example, you can drag documents from the Laserfiche app into Google Drive inside the Files app.

To share a document

  1. Swipe left on a document you want to share, then press Share. Or select the check boxes next to the documents you want to share, press the More Options button, then press Share.

    Note: You can share multiple documents at a time.

  2. Depending on the document you select, you can:
    • Email Link: Emails a link to the document. The email recipient must have access to the entry in the repository to be able to open the link. If you selected a folder, you will only have the option to email a link to it.
    • Share: If you are sharing an electronic document, this option will download the electronic file and let you share it with a supported application, including the device's native email application. If you are sharing a Laserfiche imaged document, this option will allow you to compress the document, download it as a PDF, preview it, then share it with a supported application, including the device's native email app.
    • Direct Share (Laserfiche Cloud only): Laserfiche's direct share allows you to share content in your Laserfiche repository with external users. Through direct share, you can add a password requirement in order for the recipient to view the shared content. This password in turn can be shared separately for enhanced security. When you send a document through direct share, the recipient will receive a URL link where they can access the files. This link will expire after a time specified by you.

iOS Notes

You can share a note written in the iOS Notes app to a Laserfiche repository. Each element of the note will be uploaded to Laserfiche as an electronic file. For example, if a note contains a picture and some text, the picture will be uploaded as a jpeg or png electronic file and the text will be uploaded as a txt electronic file.

  1. Open the note you want to share and press the Share button in the top right corner.
  2. Select the Laserfiche app from the list of apps that appear. If the Laserfiche app does not appear, press More and add the Laserfiche app to the list of apps.

    Note: You must sign into the app at least once (after installing) for the notes to share properly.

  3. On the bottom of the Upload to Laserfiche page, select the repository and folder path the note should be uploaded to. Notes can contain images, sketches, and text. Each item in the note will be listed at the top. You can press each item to rename them.
  4. Press Upload. To cancel, press Cancel.

Share iOS Notes to Laserfiche.

Drag and Drop

You can share files from Laserfiche to other apps (i.e., Email app, Files app, etc.) using the drag and drop feature on the iPad Pro (version iOS or later).

To drag and drop a document into the Files app or an Email

  1. Open the Files app or Email app alongside the Laserfiche app in Split View or Slide View.
  2. Press and drag the file in the Laserfiche app and drop it in the third-party app of your choice within the Files app, or drop it in an email inside the Email app. Laserfiche documents dragged from Laserfiche to another app or email will be exported as PDFs. Electronic documents dragged from Laserfiche to another app or email will retain their file type.

Drag and drop files to and from Laserfiche.

Note: If you drag a Laserfiche briefcase file into Laserfiche that does not have .lfb extension appended to it, it will not be recognized as a Laserfiche briefcase.