Document and Folder Properties Dialog Box

The Document Properties or Folder Properties dialog box displays information about a particular document or folder. The information and tabs shown will vary depending on the type of document/folder being viewed. Learn about the types of entries.

General Tab

The General tab of the ClosedFolder Properties dialog box or ClosedDocument Properties dialog box dialog box allows users to view the document/folder path, the date and time created, the date and time modified, the creator, the owner, and the entry ID. It also allows you to see the template, fields, and tags assigned to the document/folder. ClosedLearn about the properties of this tab.

Classification Level

Document Tab

This tab is only available for document properties. The Document tab of the ClosedDocument Properties dialog box allows users to view the document path, the number of pages the document has, if the document has been text indexed, and the volume where the document is stored. It also allows you to see electronic document properties such as the file size, extension, type, file path, and who the document has been checked out by. ClosedLearn more about the properties of this tab.

Folder Tab

This tab is only available for folder properties. The Folder tab of the ClosedFolder Properties dialog box allows users to view the document path, the child folders, the child documents, the image count, text count, and electronic document count. It also allows you to set the default volume and view the folder's filter expression. ClosedLearn more about the properties in this tab.

Page Info Tab

The Page Info tab of the ClosedDocument Properties dialog box allows users to view the page number of the properties being displayed, the size, and the image and text paths of the document. ClosedLearn more about the properties in this tab.

Rights Tab

The Rights tab of the ClosedDocument/Folder Properties dialog box displays the effective rights for the current user on the entry whose properties are being viewed. ClosedLearn more about the properties in this tab.