Shortcuts to Information in Laserfiche

You can create a shortcut from a document or folder in Laserfiche on your Windows desktop or Windows file system.  This shortcut is saved as a special file type with the extension .lfe. These .lfe shortcut files allow you to quickly jump to a specific part of your repository, or to send a link to a specific document or folder to someone else. Because they open the document in the repository itself and respect repository settings and security, using an .lfe shortcut is a secure way to quickly share or access individual entries. If the user doesn't have the appropriate rights to see the document or folder, they will not be allowed to open it.

When you open an .lfe shortcut in Windows, if the Laserfiche Windows client is installed, it will launch and open to the repository from which the shortcut was exported. If the repository has security enabled, the user will be prompted to log in. The specified folder or document will automatically be opened, assuming the user has rights to see it.

Because .lfe shortcuts open the Laserfiche Windows client directly, they can only be used on computers that have the Client installed, and by people who have access to your repository.  If you want to share documents with someone who does not have access to your repository, you will need to export the documents themselves.

Tip: These shortcut files can be customized in a variety of ways, such as opening a document directly to a particular page. For more information, see Customizing .lfe Shortcuts.

Note: You can also send .lfe files in emails. See Sending Email from Laserfiche for more information.

To create a shortcut to a Laserfiche entry in Windows

  1. Log in to your repository and navigate to the document, folder or briefcase you want to create a shortcut to.
  2. Note: You can create an .lfe shortcut to a shortcut in Laserfiche. This .lfe shortcut will behave exactly as though it had been created from the document or folder that is the target of the Laserfiche shortcut.

  3. Select the document, folder or briefcase.
  4. Hold down CTRL+ALT and drag the shortcut to your Windows desktop, or to a folder in Windows Explorer.

Note: By default, the .lfe shortcut will have the same name as the document or folder to which it points. However, you can rename the shortcut anything you want in Windows, as long as the extension remains .lfe.

To open a document or folder using an .lfe shortcut

  1. Double-click the .lfe file in Windows.
  2. the Laserfiche Windows client will launch and prompt you to log in. (If the Laserfiche Windows client is already open, a new Client window will open, but you will not be asked to log in again.)
  3. Note: If you do not have the Laserfiche Windows client installed, or do not have access to the repository that the shortcut points to, you will not be able to use the .lfe shortcut to open the document or folder.

  4. One of the following will happen:
    • If you selected a shortcut to a document, the Laserfiche Windows client will open to the root folder of the repository, and then the document will automatically open in the document viewer.
    • If you selected a shortcut to a folder, the Laserfiche Windows client will open directly to the folder. (You can use the location bar to return to the root folder.)