Interim Transfers
After a record or record folder has been cutoff, it can be transferred from one location to another. Transfer eligibility dates and locations are defined in the retention schedule, but they do not need to be strictly adhered to in the way that the cutoff or final disposition eligibility dates do because transfers are intended purely for the organization's convenience. (In general, transfers are not regulated or mandated.)
Example: A hospital has two repositories: one for general access and another for long-term record storage. When records become inactive, they are moved to the storage repository; but, records should still be available for search, so the record's metadata is kept in the general repository and the record is marked as being internally transferred. This way, you can search for inactive records and see that they have been moved to a new repository (you could then locate the record as needed).
If a record's retention period includes a transfer, the record's retention schedule will equal the sum of the initial retention plus each of its transfers. Meaning, the record will become eligible for final disposition after both its retention and transfer times.
Example: A record with a retention of five years is transferred to two interim locations, each for six months. The total time the record will be in retention equals six years. Show me this retention schedule's instructions.
When a transfer is performed on a record folder, the records within that folder will be transferred as long as they are cutoff and have not already be transferred to that location. Records within the folder that have not been cutoff, or that have already been transferred to that location, will not be transferred. In addition, records within the record folder that do not have the same retention schedule as their parent folder will not be transferred unless they are also eligible for transfer under their own retention schedule. When a transfer is performed on an individual record, only that record will be transferred.
To export records and confirm a transfer

- Select the record or record folder you want to transfer.
- From the Records drop-down menu, select Record Management Actions.
- In the Record Management Actions dialog box, select Transfer from the list on the left. This option will only appear if there are transfers defined in the retention schedule.
- Click Export
to open the Save As dialog box
box. Once exported, move the file to the appropriate transfer location.
The records are exported as a Laserfiche briefcase file, which contains the document's files, metadata, and RM information.
Note: When exporting a record or record folder as part of an interim transfer, all the contents will be included in the briefcase regardless of your default briefcase settings.
- Click Confirm Transfer to open the Confirm Transfer dialog box. Select the location to which the records have been moved and click OK. Take note of the type of disposition instruction associated with the transfer. Choosing to only retain metadata or to destroy records brings up an additional dialog box prompting you to confirm your action. Click Yes to confirm the transfer.

- Select the record or record folder you want to transfer.
- From the Records drop-down menu, select Record Management Actions.
- In the Record Management Actions dialog box, select Transfer from the list on the left. This option will only appear if there are transfers defined in the retention schedule.
- Click Export
to open the Save As dialog box
box. Once exported, move the file to the appropriate transfer location. The records are exported as a Laserfiche briefcase file, which contains the document's files, metadata, and RM information.
Note: When exporting a record or record folder as part of an interim transfer, all the contents will be included in the briefcase regardless of your default briefcase settings.
- Click Confirm Transfer to open the Confirm Transfer dialog box. Select the location to which the records have been moved and click OK. Take note of the type of disposition instruction associated with the transfer. Choosing to only retain metadata or to destroy records brings up an additional dialog box prompting you to confirm your action. Click Yes to confirm the transfer.
Tip: The export and confirm transfer operations are separated to help prevent data loss. You can be sure your data is preserved by exporting your data and ensuring it was successfully transferred before confirming the transfer in Laserfiche, which directs Laserfiche to update, and possibly delete, the data.