Calculating Entry Sizes

You can calculate the total size of a selected entry or entries. Calculating the size of one or more documents will tell you the total size of all elements of the documents (including pages, images, text, electronic files, word location data, thumbnails, and attachment annotations). If the selected entries include one or more folders, all documents and subfolders will also be included.

Calculating entry size is most commonly used by administrators to determine how the repository's contents are allocated. If you are short on space, you can also use the feature to determine where your resources are currently being most intensively used.

You must have the Browse and Read entry access rights for the entries you will be analyzing, as well as the Extended Properties feature right for the repository. Any documents for which you do not have both Browse and Read will be skipped, and their sizes will not be included in the final calculation.

If you have the Browse entry access right but not the Read entry access right, you will be notified of how many documents were skipped in the file size calculation. This allows an administrator with Browse access (such as the Bypass Browse or Manage Entry Access privileges) to determine how many documents are and are not in the final size and ensure that all documents are accounted for.

The entry size calculation provides you with the following information:

To calculate entry sizes

ClosedIn the Laserfiche Windows client

  1. Log in to the repository as a user with the Extended Properties feature right, as well as the Browse and Read entry access rights for entries you want to analyze.
  2. Navigate to the entry or entries for which you want to calculate sizes.
  3. Select one or more entries. You can select documents, shortcuts, folders, or any combination. Selecting a folder will also calculate size for all entries in that folder.
  4. Open the File menu and select Calculate Sizes.
  5. The Calculate Entry Sizes dialog will open and the calculation will begin. While the calculation is being performed, the Status option at the bottom will say Calculating. When it is done, Status will read Calculation complete.
  6. Note: If you are calculating sizes for a large number of entries, this may take several minutes. For example, calculating entry sizes for the entry repository by running this process on the root folder could take a long time. If you calculate entry sizes on a large folder and do not want to wait, you can close the dialog at any time by clicking OK.

  7. Review the entry size information, and click OK when you're done.