
These attributes relate to how emails are imported or exported into Laserfiche.



Determines the default name of the new document when an .msg file is imported into Laserfiche. If this attribute is not set, the file name or email subject line will be used.

Valid values:

  • String


When importing .msg files, this determines how the new documents' fields are filled in with email properties. Replace FieldName with the field that you wish to fill in with an email property. The value of this attribute then specifies an integer representing an email property.

Valid values:

  • Integers. 1 = Sender, 2 = Sender Email, 3 = Recipients, 4 = CCs, 5 = BCCs, 6 = Recipient's Email, 7 = Subject, 8 = Time Sent, 9 = Time Received, 10 = Priority.

Default value: 0


This flag determines how the attachments of an imported email are handled. This is the same setting as that listed under Default Behavior in the client's options.

Note: Creating a file distribution list is not possible in the web client.

Valid values:

  • Integers. Set to 6 to hide dialog box. Delete attribute to show dialog box.


Specifies the default template for imported emails.

Valid values:

  • String

Default value: FALSE


Determines whether the default template of imported emails will be the template of the folder they are being imported into.

Valid values:


Default value: FALSE


Applies to the web client only. This attribute specifies a default folder in the repository for Outlook email attachments to be saved into. Note that if "To Laserfiche Client" in the Save Attachments dialog is selected, the attachments will be saved to the current folder opened in the client.

This attribute takes effect only if "To Laserfiche Client" is cleared, or if the Laserfiche Windows client is closed.

Valid values:

  • String representing the folder's path in the Laserfiche repository.


Determines the default Laserfiche folder to which the user imports emails from Outlook. Web client only.

Valid values:

  • String representing the folder's path in the Laserfiche repository.

Default value:


Specifies the document relationship to be assigned between imported email messages and their attachments. Web client only.

Valid values:

  • String representing name of document relationship


Applies to the web client only. If TRUE, the web client will use Message Application Program Interface (MAPI) to look up an address when importing .msg files if the usual method fails.

Valid values:


Default value: TRUE


Determines whether emails are imported as .msg files or .eml files. Applicable to the web client only.

Valid values:

  • Strings. "eml" = Import as .eml files. Leave blank or delete attribute to default to importing as .msg files.

Default value: .msg



Determines the default footer used when exporting Laserfiche files through email. Web client only.

Valid values:

  • String

Default behavior: No footer


Determines the default message in the email body when exporting files. Does not apply to the Windows client.

Valid values:

  • String

Default behavior: No default message


Determines whether to warn the user if the email attachments are bigger than the size specified in [Settings]ExportEmailAttachSize.

Valid values:

  • Integers. 0 = no warning, 1 = warning.

Default value: 0


Determines the maximum size (in KB) that email attachments can be before warning the user. Active only when [Settings]ExportEmailCheckAttachSize = 1. Does not apply to the web client.

Valid values:

  • Integers.

Default value: 1000


Determines whether multiple files exported through email will be combined in a zip file.

Valid values:


Default value: TRUE


When sending emails from the web client, determines whether the emails are sent using Outlook by default.

Valid values:


Default value: FALSE


Determines whether emailed documents will be sent using the Microsoft Outlook API. If FALSE, MAPI will be used. Applies to the Windows client only.

Valid values:


Default value: TRUE


Specifies whether linked documents will be included as attachments.

Valid values:


Default value: FALSE


When TRUE, the Outlook email composition window that pops up when the user tries to email a document is modal. This means it cannot be minimized and the user cannot interact with other windows before finishing with the email composition window. If the user would like to look at other windows while composing their email, set this attribute to FALSE. This attribute applies to the Windows client only.

Valid values:


Default value: TRUE


If TRUE, the user is warned that the attachments to an email have an invalid checksum. They are then given the option to continue or abort the attachment process.

Valid values:

  • Integers. Set to 6 to hide dialog box. Delete attribute to show dialog box.


Determines the format in which to send Laserfiche files through email. Windows client only.

Valid values:

Default behavior: If this attribute is not set, the Windows client will follow [Settings]ExportEmailSendCopy.


Determines whether to export documents through email in the form of attachments to the email, or as links to the Laserfiche entries.

Valid values:

  • Integers. 0 = send as attachments, 1 = link to files.

Default value: 0