Locating and Viewing Records Management Information
Laserfiche provides you with several ways to locate records and to view record information. You can perform searches for records, use the Records Management quick access view, view the properties of individual records, and generate a records management file plan.
Free Training: Tailoring Records Management to Your Needs eLearning course in Aspire.
Records Management Searches
The Laserfiche search feature provides a streamlined way of searching for record series, record folders, or records based on a number of criteria. These searches allow records managers to quickly locate records that need to be reviewed or processed. For instance, you can search for records that are currently eligible for cutoff or disposition, or vital records that are ready for review. For more information, see Records Management Search Types.
Records Management Quick Access View
The Records Management quick access view allows you to quickly locate records that are eligible for cutoff, eligible for cutoff, or ready for review. To view the quick access list, click Records Management in the upper left corner. In the top bar, you can choose Records, Eligible for cutoff, Eligible for disposition, or Vital records ready for review. This allows you to quickly find records that are ready to be processed.
Record Properties and Timeline
You can view the properties of a record series, and the properties and life cycle timeline of a record folder or record by selecting the item in the Folder Browser and selecting the Records tab in the right-hand pane. (You can also view the properties of records in the right-hand pane of the Document Viewer.) You can also edit these properties by clicking Edit properties.
If a record folder or record is eligible for a particular action, you can perform the action directly from the properties view.
Printing or Exporting a Records Management File Plan
Laserfiche provides a simple way to export or print the records management file plan and retention schedule information, allowing you to generate a list of the structure and rules that govern your records. You can export or print this information at any level of the records management file structure: performing the action on the root folder will give you information for the whole repository whereas doing so on a record series or record folder will give you information for the contents of that object and its children.
Note: Individual records will be reflected in the file plan only if their properties differ from those of their parent folder.
To print or export a records management file plan
- Select the record series or record folder whose file plan you want to print or export.
- Click the More button (
) and point to Record Actions, then select Download File Plan.
- If you selected Download File Plan, select whether to export the file plan as an Excel spreadsheet, CSV text, or an HTML list, and click OK,, then specify where to save the file as well as the filename.