Configuring SCIM Integration with Okta

To configure SCIM in Okta:

  1. Open and sign into Okta.
  2. Expand Applications on the left, then click Applications.
  3. Select the desired app integration.
  4. Click the Provisioning tab.
  5. Click Integration.
  6. Click Edit next to SCIM Connection.
  7. Paste the Management Endpoint URL you copied in step 7 of the Configuring SCIM in Laserfiche Cloud section next to SCIM connector base URL.
  8. Next to Unique identifier field for users, we recommend you enter your email and login. In Okta, these fields are displayed as Primary Email and Username.

    Okta Fields

  9. Next to Supported provisioning actions, select Push New Users and Push Profile Updates.
  10. Next to Authentication Mode, select HTTP Header.
  11. Paste the bearer token you copied in step 6 of the Configuring SCIM in Laserfiche Cloud section next to Authorization, under HTTP Header.

    Note: If you misplace the bearer token, you can create a new one by clicking Rotate Token next to Rotate Bearer Token in the SCIM Provisioning tab in Laserfiche Account Administration.

    Okta SCIM Conection

  12. Click Save.

Review Okta's user administration instructions. Once SCIM is configured, adding, updating, or removing a user in Okta, will automatically add, update, or disable the user in Laserfiche.

Note: Users updated in Laserfiche will not be synced to Okta. This is a one-way communication from Okta to Laserfiche.

For more information on configuring SCIM with Okta, see the Okta Help Center.